Minutes Tue 17 Jul 1883

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Tue 17 Jul 1883


On the 12 July Messrs Little, Hooper, Howard, Davies and Ball made the canal inspection from Wallbridge to Bond’s Mill, where Mr Hooper left. The Canal was in a efficient state of repair, with the only imminent important expenditure necessary being in respect of the culverts near Lodgemore Mills. Other repairs needed were listed.
The duly stamped Agreement between the Company and Mr Jefferies in respect of the catchpit at Ebley was produced.
The two boys Edward Pritchard and Frederick Gay of Stroud were severely reprimanded and cautioned for leaving the Swing Bridge at Lodgemore partly open. Bills were ordered to be printed and distributed at the Mills along the canal cautioning the public against offences of this nature.
[Crossed through a claim for share no. 116 from Joseph Timbrell Fisher to the executrix Judith Fisher.]

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 17^th day of July 1883 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr E C Little Chairman, Mr H H Mills, Mr E F Gyde, Mr C H Hooper, Mr G H A Beard, Mr Jno Howard, Mr A J M Ball.
[46] The Inspection of the Canal was made on the 12^th inst by Mr E C Little Chairman, Mr Hooper, Mr Howard, Mr Davies and Mr Ball from Wallbridge to Bond's Mill, where Mr Hooper left, the Inspection being continued by Mr Little, Mr Howard, Mr Davies and Mr Ball.
The Chairman now reported that they were unanimously of the opinion that as a whole the Canal was in a thoroughly efficient stat of repair and that it was only in respect of the Culverts near Lodgemore Mills that any important expenditure appears imminent.
They also reported that during the Inspection the following came under their notice namely:
1. The roof of the washhouse at the Canal office, which was in a bad state of repair and would shortly require to be re-roofed.
2. The Culvert near Lodgemore Mills above alluded to.
3. That the inside wall which (with the outer wall) encloses the road leading from the Public Road to the house of Mr Barnard near Dudbridge wharf required repair and that it ought to be repaired by him under the agreement Mr Grazebrook made entered into with the Canal Company on 14^th April 1818.
And the Clerk was instructed to write to Mr Barnard calling his attention to the same and requesting him to put this inside wall in repair.
4. That the footpath leading from Cainscross Road to the foot bridge at Hilly Orchard was open to the Canal and in the opinion of the Committee dangerous to the Public. It was now ordered that the Surveyor erect a guard or fence near the heel of the Bridge.
5. Also that the attention of Sir S S Marling be called to the trees overhanging the Canal near Ebley, that they might be lopped.
6. Also that the Clerk write to Mr H Lewis of Ryeford and request hi to remove the two old boats which were sunk and were now lying in the Canal near his Premises at Ryeford Wharf.
7. It appeared that the boundaries of "Stonehouse Ocean" still remained undefined, and it was accordingly ordered that Mr William Marling be requested to meet Mr Hooper & Mr Stanton with a view to their being definitely defined.
8. It was ordered that the three weirs near the locks at Eastington be fenced off or guarded.
9. Also that an additional room be erected over the present Carpenters Shop at Eastington yard, and the roof raised accordingly.
10. The Catch-pit made by Mr H Lewis of Ryeford was inspected, but the Inspecting Committee doubted whether it would prove sufficient.
[2] The Clerk produced the Agreement between the Company and Mr Jefferies respecting the Catch-pit to be made by him at Ebley, duly stamped according to instructions received at the last Committee Meetin.
[18] Two boys named Edward Pritchard and Frederick Gay of Stroud were brought before the Committee at this Meeting for leaving the Swing Bridge at Lodgemore partly open. They were severely reprimanded and cautioned.
Bills were ordered to be printed and distributed at the Mills along the Canal cautioning the public against offences of this nature.
[Crossed through a claim for share no. 116 from Joseph Timbrell Fisher to the executrix Judith Fisher.]

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