Minutes Tue 20 May 1884

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Tue 20 May 1884


Catherine Clutterbuck claimed share nos.106,126, will of Elizabeth Clutterbuck;
Sophia Eycott, the Reverend William Darke Stanton, the Reverend William Eycott Marten and Edward Palling Little claimed share nos.113,142,143, will of Frederick Eycott.
Annual inspection of the Canal fixed for Tuesday 10 June 1884.
Mr Clegram to be asked for a carpenter to help in making a pair of top gates for the second lock at Dudbridge.
Stoppage of the Canal on Sunday next ordered so that the top gates of the Dudbridge Top Lock might be repaired and made tight.
The Lodgemore Swing Bridge replanked at a cost of £16.17s.6d.
Clerk’s office to be papered and a new floor provided.
Permission given to the Reverend Palmer to open towing path doors at Dudbridge and Wallbridge on Sundays to enable him to walk on the towing path from Cainscross to The Thrupp.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 20^th day of May 1884 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr E C Little Chairman, Mr H H Mills, Mr E F Gyde, Mr C H Hooper, Mr G H A Beard, Mr Jno Howard. Mr J T Stanton, Mr W^m Davies junr.
[32] Catherine Truen Clutterbuck of Frome Hall near Stroud in the County of Gloucester Spinster attended as Sole Executrix of the Will of the late Elizabeth Clutterbuch late of Frome Hall near Stroud in the County of Gloucester Widow deceased (who died on the 31^st day of December 1883) and made out her claim to two shares numbered respectively 106 and 126 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation and now standing in the name of the said Elizabeth Clutterbuck in the Books of the Company of Proprietors of the said Navigation by producing the tickets or titles to the said two shares and the Probate of the Will of the said Elizabeth Clutterbuck Widow deceased the said will bearing date the 4^th day of April 1872 and proved by the said Executrix in the District Registry at Gloucester of the Probate Division of Her Majestys High Court of Justice on the 25^th day of March 1884.
And the Claim was admitted accordingly and new tickets or titles ordered to be made out on the tickets or titles of the said Elizabeth Clutterbuck deceased being delivered up.
[32] Frederick Henry Croome attended under a written Authority from Sophia Eycott of Oakfields Stonehouse in the County of Gloucester Widow, The Reverend William Darke Stanton of Toddington Rectory in the said County of Gloucester Clerk in Orders, The Reverend William Eycott Marten of West Farleigh Vicarage in the County of Kent Clerk in Orders and Edward Palling Little of Stroud in the County of Gloucester Gentleman, Executors of the Will of the late Frederick Eycott late of Oakfields Stonehouse in the County of Gloucester Esquire deceased (who died on the 7^th day of February 1884) and at the time of his death held share numbered 113 standing in the name of himself and the late Richard Marten who died on the 11^th day of August 1865) and made out their claim to three shares numbered respectively 113, 142 and 143 of the Undertaking of the Stoudwater Navigation and now standing in the name of the said Frederick Eycott deceased in the Books of the Company of Proprietors of the said Navigation by producing the tickets or titles (except as to share numbered 113) to the said three shares and the Probate of the will with two Codicils attached thereto of the said Frederick Eycott deceased, the said Will bearing date the 7^th day of August 1872 and he Codicils bearing date respectively the 7^th day of December 1882 and the 21^st day of January 1884, and proved by all the said Executors in the District Registry at Gloucester of the Probate Division of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice on the 1^st day of April 1884.
And the Claim was admitted accordingly and new tickets or titles ordered to be made out on the tickets of titles of the said Frederick Eycott deceased being delivered up. A Memorandum of Indemnity dated the 16^th day of May 1884 from the Executors of the Will and Codicils of the late Frederick Eycott deceased was produced relieving this Company from all liability in respect of the loss of the ticket or title to the share numbered 113.
[46] The annual Inspection of the Canal was fixed for Tuesday the 10^th June 1884,
[7] The Clerk was ordered to apply to Mr Clegram for a Carpenter to assist in making a pair of Top Gates for the 2^nd Lock at Dudbridge.
[7 & 34] A Stoppage of the Canal on Sunday next was ordered that the Top gates of the Dudbrige Top Lock might be repaired and made tighter.
[4] The Clerk reported that the Lodgemore Swing Bridge had been replanked at a cost (including running planks) of £16..17..6 according to the particulars sent in by the Foreman.
[5] The Clerks office was ordered to be papered and a new floor cloth provided.
[40] Permission for six months was given to the Rev^d Palmer to open Towing path doors at Dudbridge and Wallbridge on Sundays to enable him to walk on the Towing path from Cainscross to Thrupp.

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