Minutes Tue 21 Oct 1884

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Tue 21 Oct 1884


Re the use of the towing path by the tenant of Mr Davies, Mr Davies Senior would be willing to pay an acknowledgement to the company as proposed but for one gateway only as the other was not now used, the sum payable to be 2s.6d. p.a. with a further 2s.6d. payable in the event of the other gateway being opened or used. Solicitors instructed to prepare the agreement between Mr Davies Senior and the Company.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday teh 21^st day of October 1884 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr E C Little Chairman, Mr H H Mills, Mr W Davies junr, Mr J T Stanton, Mr C H Hooper, Mr E F Gyde, Mr Jno Howard, Mr G H A Beard.
The various accounts, books and vouchers Signed by Mr F Sturge the Auditor and certified to be correct were produced and passed.
The Treasurers Book was produced, examined and signed by the Chairman.
[51] Mr Davies stated with reference to the resolution passed at the last Meeting respecting the two gateways opening on to the towing path from the land of Mr Doavies Snr that the latter would be willing to pay an acknowledgement to the Company as proposed but that inasmuch as one gateway only was now used he suggested that the sum payable should be 2.6 per annum and additional 2.6 to become payable in the event of the other gateway being again opened or used.
Resolved that Mr Davies' proposal be agreed to and that the Solicitor be instructed to prepare an agreement between Mr Davies Senr and the Company carrying our the arrangement.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
Mr H H Mills: 7..10..0
Mr F Sturge: 5..5..0
[Total[ £12..15..0.
A list was produced showing that the value of Stores in Stock on the 30^th Sept was £179..14..5.

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