Tue 18 Nov 1884
As a result of correspondence between Mr G Ford and Mr Waddy, the Secretary to the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co, in respect of their tonnage charges on barges entering at Framilode to go to Gloucester, it was decided that the Chairman of the Company and the Company’s solicitor, Mr Hamilton Mills, should meet with Mr Clegram and Mr Waddy.
Clerk to write to the Cheltenham Brewery Co instructing them to remove the urinal they had put on the Company’s land at The Bell Inn, Ebley.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 11^th day of November 1884 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr J T Stanton Chairman, Mr H H Mills, Mr W^m Davies junr, Mr E F Gyde, Mr G H A Beard.
[38] The Clerk produced a correspondence between Mr G Ford and Mr Waddy the Secretary of the Gloucester and Berkeley Canal Co respecting the tonnage charges of the latter on barges entering at Framilode and passing on the Gloucester & Berkley Canal to Gloucester. The matter having been discussed it was arranged that the Chairman of the Company with Mr Hamilton Mills the Solicitor to this Company should have a conference with Mr Glegram and Mr Waddy on the subject.
[7] The Clerk having directed the attention of the Committee to a Urinal put up on the Company's lad by the Cheltenham Brewery Co at the Bell Inn, Ebley: he was instructed to write to the Brewery Co requesting them to remove it.
Cheque drawn.
Tithe Charge Eastington Messrs Vizard & Co: £4..15..11