Minutes Tue 16 Feb 1886

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Tue 16 Feb 1886


Clerk saw the Engineer of the Midland Railway Co who promised to do the work to the Railway embankment to the extent of their boundary. He would enquire as to the company’s liability beyond that boundary and, if liable, would attend to it. Clerk arranged with the Engineer to do the dredging required, for which he would charge the Midland Railway Co with the costs.
Mr Henry Lewis paid £1 2s 6d for the value of his inadvertently lopping the Company’s withy trees at the top of the Ocean at Stonehouse.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 16^th day of February 1886 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr E C Little Chairman, Mr J Howard, Mr G H A Beard, Mr E F Gyde, Mr C H Hooper.
The Clerk reported that he saw the Engineer of the Midland Railway Co (according to instructions given him at the last Meeting) on the 2^nd inst who promised to do the necessary work to the Railway embankment to the extent of their boundary and that he would enquire as the the Cos liability beyond such boundary and if liable would attend to it. The Clerk said he had arranged with the Engineer to do the dredging required for which he was to charge the Midland Railway Co with the Costs.
The Clerk reported that M^t Henry Lewis of Ryeford had by inadvertence lopped the withy trees at the top of the Ocean at Stonehouse belonging to the Canal Co and that Lewis had accordingly paid to the Clerk the sum of £1..2..6 for the value of the loppings.
Cheque drawn: £ s d
Income Tax: 27..11..9

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