Tue 16 Nov 1886
Discussion took place on the advantage to the Company if stone came from the Rowley Hall quarry near Dudley rather than Clee Hill near Ludlow. The Chairman stated that Stroud Highway Board was to trial both, and that he was to attend a meeting in Gloucester on the subject on 27 November.
Discussion took place on the proposed deputation to the President of the Board of Trade re the T&S Canal.
Mr H H Mills was instructed to prepare a tenancy agreement re Mr Frederick Cook as tenant of a cottage at Framilode.
Wharfage charged Mr Kimmins on all goods which could not come by Canal to be 3d per ton, but the usual Canal rates to be charged on all goods brought by Railway to the Stonehouse siding and carted through the Canal Wharf which might have been brought by Canal.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 16^th Novembre 1886 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr E C Little Chairman, Mr H H Mills, Mr E P Little, Mr C H Hooper, Mr Jno Howard, Mr E F Gyde. Major Fisher, Mr G H A Beard, Mr A J M Ball (late), Mr W^m Davies junr.
No business of importance came before the Meeting. It consisted for the most part of a discussion relating to the stone traffic and to the advantage that would accrue to the Canal if stone from the Rowley Quarry near Dudley was used in preference to the Clee Hill stone near Ludlow, and the Chairman stated that the Stroud Highway Board intended giving a trial of both and that he, the Chairman proposed attending a Meeting in Gloucester on the subject on the 27^th inst.
The proposed deputation to the President of the Board of Trade with regard to the Thames and Severn Canal was also alluded to.
Instructions were given to Mr Hamilton Mills the Solicitor to the Company to prepare an agreement for the tenancy of a Cottage at Framilode by Frederick Cook.
The wharfage to be charged Mr Kimmins on all goods which could not come by Canal was directed to be 3^d per tone, but the usual Canal rates on all goods brought by Railway to the Stonehouse siding and carted through the Canal wharf, which might have been brought by Canal.