Tue 24 Apr 1888
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 October 1887 £1137 5s 11d. After wages, etc, profit £471 16s 9d. Dividend of £2 5s declared.
John Stephens, William Henry Baily and Hezekiah Birt claimed shares nos.15,18,19,88,123,124,130,132,161,165, will of Samuel Clayfield.
Stroud Water Co agreed to annual payment of £1 for laying its pipes over bridge.
Weak state of Ryeford Bridge and fear that heavy loads might have serious consequences. Notice to be put on bridge, compliant with Locomotion Act of 1861.
Miss Lewis of Ryeford to be charged 2s 6d p.a. for taking water from canal to supply portable engine. (Dead. Not now used.)
At a General Half-yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 24^th day of April 1888 @ 3.30 pm
Mr E C Little Chairman.
The Minutes of the Committee since the last General Meeting were approved and confirmed.
[1] It appears that the sum of £1137..5..11 has been received from the 1^st day of October 1887 to the 1^st day of April 1888, and a balance brought forward of £22..19..- from last Half-year (after payment of Dividend) making a total of £1160..4..11 of which sum £688..0..2 has been applied towards payment of wages disbursements, etc, (including a sum of £161..14..- tonnage paid to the Thames and Severn Canal Company) and there remains in the hands of the Treasurer the sum of £471..16..9 available for Dividend.
[13] Ordered that a Dividend of £2..5..- on each share be declared payable on the 1^st day of May next free of Income Tax, carrying forward a balance of £21..16..9 to the next Half-years account.
[55] The sum of £252..10..6 in the hands of the Treasurer stands to the Credit of the Reserve Fund being £249..10..6 in the Bank on the 24^th day of June 1887 and £3 1/2 years Interest to the 25^th day of December 1887,
[9] Resolved that the following Gentlemen form the Committee for the year next following or until another Committee be appointed:
Mr E C Little Chairman, Mr C H Hooper, Mr H H Mills, Mr E F Gyde, Mr A J M Ball, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr E P Little, Mr G H A Beard, Mr W^m Davies junr, Mr Jno Howard, Major Fisher, Mr W J Stanton.
[36] Charles Upton of Stroud in the County of Gloucester Solicitor attended on behalf of and under a written authority from John Stephens of Merton near Doncaster Inland Revenue Officer, William Henry Baily of Stroud in the County of Gloucester Printer and Hexekiah Birt of Stroud in the County of Gloucester Retired Draper executors of the Will of Samuel Clayfield late of Stroud in the County of Gloucester Solicitor deceased (who died on the 19^th day of January 1887) and who at the time of his death held ten shares numbered respectively 15, 18, 19, 88, 123, 124, 130, 132, 161 and 165 and made out their claim to the said ten shares of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation and now standing in the name of the said Samuel Clayfield deceased in the Books of the Company of Proprietors of the said Navigation by producing the ticktes or titles of the said ten shares and the probate of the will with on codicil attached thereto of the said Samuel Clayfield deceased the said Will bearing date the 4^th day of September 1879 and the said Codicil bearing date hte 17^th day of August 1855 and proved by the said executors in the Principal Registry of the Probate dividion of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice on the 23^rd day of March 1888.
And the claim was admitted accordingly and the old tickets ordered to be endorsed.
[56] Mr Hamilton Mills explained to the Committee the proceedings that had followed the action taken for an injunction against the Stroud Water Company for laying its pipes over Ryeford Bridge and the success that had attended to application to the court.
[31] That Company having now agreed to the Annual payment of £1 for laying its pipes over the Bridge, the Seal of the Canal Company was attached to the Counterpart agreement which had been agreed to by both Companys.
[4] The weak state of Ryeford Bridge or another the fear that heavy loads passing over it might be attended with serious consequences, orders were given for a notice to be put upon the Bridge in compliance with the Locomotive Act of 1861.
[50] Notice was directed to be given to Miss Lewis of Ryeford that she would be charged 2/6 a year for taking water from the Canal to supply the portable Engine she used on the premises. [dead not now used]
Cheques drawn: £ s d
Mr H H Mills: 7..10..0
Mr Jno Butt: 9..19..0
Mr F Sturge: 5..5..0
[Apl 30] Mr H H Mills: 3..0..6
[Total] £25..14..6