Tue 23 Apr 1889
Jane Charlotte Davies, William Davies and Edward Palling claimed shares nos.52,61,181, will of William Davies.
7s per week, house and garden to Peter Daniels. Not to be considered as a pension.
Permission given, at request of Revd. Alfred Ludgater, for Company’s house at Framilode in present in occupation of Richard Peckett to be used as a sub-post office.
Messrs Butt Skurray & Co. asked for reduction in tonnage charges on wheat to Stratford Mills. Provided they undertake to convey by the canal a given quantity p.a. application might be entertained.
Chairman and Mr Hamiton Mills to look at culvert under canal at Ebley with view to requiring Highway and Sanitary Authorities to abate if not remove nuisance occasioned by road washing and sewage entering canal.
Serious consideration of present position of Company, and outlay in imminent repairs, led committee to terminate connection of Mr Fallows with Company.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 23^rd day of April 1889 at 3 o'clock pm
Present: Mr E C Little Chairman, Mr H H Mills, Mr Jno Howard, Mr C H Hooper, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr E P Little.
The various accounts, books and vouchers signed by Mr Sturge the Auditor and certified to be correct were produced and passed.
The Treasurers Book was produced examined and signed by the Chairman.
[35] Henry Hamilton Mills of Stroud in the County of Gloucester Solicitor attended on behalf of and under a written Authority from Jane Charlottee Davies of Bridgend House, Stonehouse, in the County of Gloucester Widow, William Davies of Alkerton Grange Eastington in the County of Gloucester Esquire and Edward Palling Little of Stroud in the County of Gloucester Solicitor being the Executors of the Will of William Davies late of Bridgend House Stonehouse in the County of Gloucester Esquire deceased (who died on the 31^st day of December 1888) and who at the time of his death held three shares numbered respectively 52, 61 and 181 and made out their claim to the said three shares of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation and now standing in the name of the said William Davies deceased in the Books of the Company of Proprietors of the said Navigation be producing the tickets or titles to the said three shares and the Probate of the said Will of the said William Davies deceased, the said Will bearing date the 21^st day of January 1884 and proved by the said Executors in the Gloucester District Registry of the Probate Division of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice on the 22^nd day of February 1889.
And the claim was admitted accordingly and new tickets or titles ordered to be made out on the tickets or titles of the said three shares being delivered up.
[7] The allowance of wages to Peter Daniels was considered and it was determined that 7/- a week for the present should be allowed him with the houuse and Garden he is in occupation of this allowance however not to be considered a pension.
[54] The consideration of the claim of Messrs Marling & Co Limited for the damage done to their boiler at Dudbridge wharf was at the request of Sir William Marling deferred until the next Meeting.
[55] Permission was given at the request of the Rev^d A Ludgater for the Cos house at Framilode in the present occupation of Richard Pockett to be used as a Sub Post office.
[46] Messrs Butt Skurray & Co having asked for a reduction in the tonnage charged on wheat to Stratford Mills the Clerk was directed to see them on the subject and to intimate that provided they would undertake to convey by the Canal a given quantity per Annum the application might be entertained.
[11] The Chairman & Mr Hamilton Mills undertook to look at the Culvert under the Canal at Ebley with a view to requiring the Highway & Sanitary Authorities to abate if not absolutely to remove the nuisance occasioned by the Road washing and sewage entering the Canal.
[17] The Committee having taken into their serious consideration the present position of the Co and the outlay in repairs which appear imminent determined on terminating on the 1^st August next the connection fo Mr Fallows with the Company and the Chairman undertook to write to him accordingly.