Minutes Tue 16 Jun 1891

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Tue 16 Jun 1891


Annual inspection of canal.
When necessary to repair culvert at Lodgemore, weir should be substituted.
Inside row of quick at mud bank at Stonehouse should be removed and put 1 foot nearer fence.
At Eastington, back of house occupied by Z Whiting appeared to be giving way. Necessary repairs to be made.
Bristol Road Lock, bad state of walls inside noted. Instructions given to case them with brick. New bottom gates ordered at 16 December meeting. Alteration in hollow quoin fit of gates, oak in place of stone.
Holmes & Co offered £35 p.a. for Ship Inn. Referred to Messrs Little and Mills.
Messrs Hooper & Co. to pay 10s p.a. rent for 3 inch pipe over or by side of Roving Bridge instead of under canal.
£17 10 in unclaimed dividends.
Stroud Water Co asked permission to place 3 inch pipe over or by Eastington Bridge. Permission granted 10s p.a.
Messrs Hooper took additional supply of water from canal. Rent £4 p.a.
Maria Whitworth Jones claimed shares nos.5,6,68,93,98,127, will of Henry Whitworth Jones;
Maynard Sandys Brodhurst claimed shares nos. 14,167,168, will of Joseph Watts Hallewell.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 16^th day of June 1891 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr E C Little Chairman, Mr H H Mills, Mr W^m Davies, Mr C H Hooper, Mr Jno Howard, Mr A J M Ball, Mr W J Stanton, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr E P Little.
Inspection of Canal on Monday June 1^st 1891.
After reading the minutes of the last Meeting the Chairman reported that he in conjunction with Mr Walter Stanton, Mr William Davies and Mr Charles Hooper inspected the whole extent of the Canal on the 1^st inst.
Their attention was first directed to the Culvert at Lodgemore which appeared to involve a matter for serious consideration namely whether, when it became actually necessary that its repair should be undertaken, a weir should be substituted for the Culvert, and this suggestion is now made, and as it war ventilated, by way of guide for the future.
At Dudbridge they visited the house lately occupied by Mr Ward and now by Mr Samuel Martin, and at Stonehouse they inspected the new Swing Bridge leading to Messrs Davies' Mill.
They directed "en route" that the inside row of the quick at the mud Bank at Stonehouse should be removed and put one foot nearer the fence and on arriving at Eastington wharf inspected the back of the house in the occupation of Mr Z Whiting which appeared to be giving way, and which they directed should at once be seen to and the necessary repairs done.
On arriving at the Bristol Road Lock, their attention was especially directed to the state of the Walls inside the lock, and the necessity of newly casing the same with brick was so obvious that they gave instructions for this to be done without delay. IT is for this Lock that new bottom gates were ordered at the Meeting held at the 16^th day of December 1890 to be made, and the Clerk pointed out his reasons for making an alteration to the hollow quoin fit of the gates, namely by substituting Oak in the place of Stone, so that the heels of the gate would fit and work timber to timber instead of the now timber to stone.
The Visiting Committee terminated their inspection at Framilode where they viewed the Sea Wall repaired in March last and they desire to express their satisfaction generally with the state of the Canal from beginning to end.
Messrs Holmes & Co having made an offer of £35 a year for the Ship Inn, the Clerk was directed to refer them to Messrs Little & Mills who were requested to arrange for its being let for a term of years.
Messrs Hooper & Co being desirous of taking a 3" water pipe (See Minutes of last Meeting) either over or by the side of Roving Bridge instead of under the Canal, permission was given on the payment of 10/- a year rent upon the usual agreement.
In compliance with a request from the County of Gloucester Bank, it was resolved that a cheque should from time to time be drawn for the Amount of the half-years dividend declared, also that the sum of £17..10 in the hands of the Bank representing unclaimed Dividends should be placed to the Account of "The Reserve Fund", and that the Chairman should write to the Bank relieving them from all liability in respect of such unclaimed Dividends.
The Stroud Water Co having asked permission to place a 3 inch water pipe over or by the side of Eastington Canal Bridge their application was approved of on the payment of 10/- a year rent and their entering into the usual agreement with the Company.
Messrs Hooper & Co having pursuant to the power given them by the Minute of 20^th May 1890 taken the additional Supply of water from the Canal to Bond's Mill, the increased rent of £4 per annum from the 25^th April last became payable.
Henry Hamilton Mills of Stroud in the County of Gloucester Solicitor attended for and on behalf of and under a written Authority from Maria Whitworth Jones, care of Martins Bank Limited 68 Lombard Street London Widow, being the Sole executrix of the Will of Henry Whitworth Jones late of No 1 Brunswick Place Regents Park, formerly of Adilaide Road North Street, St Johns Wood Middlesex Esquire deceased (who died on the 28^th day of March 1891) and who at the time of his death held six shares numbered respectively 5, 6, 68,93,98 and 127 and made out her claim to the said six shares of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation and now standing in the name of the said Henry Whitworth Jones deceased in the Books of the Company of Proprietors of the said Navigation by producing the tickets or titles to the said six shares and the probate of the Will of the said Henry Whitworth Jones deceased the said will bearing date the 25^th day of March 1891 and proved by the said executrix in the Principal Registry of the Probate Division of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice on the 5^th day of May 1891.
And the Claim was admitted accordingly and new tickets of titles ordered to be made out.
Edward Palling Little of Stroud in the County of Gloucester Solicitor attended for and on behalf of and under a written from Maynard Sandys Brodhurst of Chesterfield in the County of Derby Gentleman being the sole acting executor of the Will of Joseph Watts Halliwell late of Stratford House, Stroud in the County of Gloucester Esquire deceased (who died on the 24^th day of February 1891) and who at the time of his death held three shared numbered respectively 14, 167 and 168 and made out his claim to the said three shares of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation and now standing in the name of the said Joseph Watts Hallewell deceased in the Books of the Company of Proprietors of the said Navigation by producing the tickets or titles of the said three shares, and the probate of the Will of the said Joseph Watts Hallewell deceased, the said Will bearing date the 23^rd day of May 1889 and proved by the said Executor in the Gloucester District Registry of the Probate Division of Her Majestys High Court of Justice on the 7^th day of May 1891.
And the claim was admitted accordingly and new tickets or titles ordered to be made out.
Cheques drawn:
June 16 Messrs Stringer Bros: 6..15..6
June 24 W^m James Snape: 37..10..0
June 24 W^m Fredericks: 6..10..0
[Total] 50..15..6

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