Minutes Tue 21 May 1895

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Tue 21 May 1895


Telegram from Mr Southall, solicitor to proposed Thames & Severn Canal Bill. Petition against Bill withdrawn. Bill unopposed. Clauses 45, 46 of Bill read and approved. In event of failure of Bill, Company agreed to pay one fifth of costs and expenses of Promoters.
Mr James Sealey applied to purchase small piece of land adjoining property of Midland Railway Co on Bath Road.
Mr Louis Perry asked to use Wallbridge canal basin for bathing.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 21^st day of May 1895 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr E C Little Chairman, Mr E P Little, Mr A J M Ball, Mr C H Hooper, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr W^m Davies, Mr W J Stanton, Major Fisher.
The Clerk handed to the Committee copy of a Telegram received from Mr Southall (one of the Solicitors to the proposed Thames & Severn Canal Bill) to the effect that the Petitions against the Bill had been withdrawn and that the Bill was to go on as unopposed.
At this Meeting clauses 45 and 46 of the Bill by which the liabilities undertaken by the Navigations and Public Bodies were defined, were read and approved, and it was also resolved that in the event of the Bill failing to be passed by Parliament this Company agreed to pay one fifth of the Costs and expenses incurred by the Promoters.
An application having been made by letter to the Clerk from Mr James Sealey, for the purchase of a small piece of land adjoining the property of the Midland Railway Co on the Bath Road, the consideration of the matter was postponed for further particulars.
A letter was read from Mr Louis Perry asking permission to use Wallbridge Canal Basin for bathing purposes whereupon it was resolved that such permission should not be given.
The Canal Inspection by the Committee was fixed for Monday the 10^th June next.

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