Tue 17 Nov 1896
Clerk to purchase of £10 worth of pitch pine to repair mud boat.
Stroud Urban District Council to divide cost of £3 10s of connecting Ship Inn with water mains.
Notices to be issued to prevent trespass of bicycles on towing path.
Smart’s boat, laden with coke, sank near Gas Works, Sunday last. Drawing off of entire pound needed - charge of £1.
£87 19s 6d to Thames & Severn Canal Trust for Company’s quarter share in adverse balance of its first year.
Sarah Jemima Martin, Douglas Eycott Martin, William Egerton Martin and George Egerton Hodgson claimed shares nos.1,114,115, will of Reverend William Eycott Martin.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesdy the 17^th day of December 1896 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Mr E P Little, Mr W Davies, Mr A B Hooper, Major Fisher.
The Clerk asked and obtained the sanction of the Committee to purchase about £10 worth of Pitch Pine to repair the Mud Boat - the work to be done by the Company's men.
A proposal having been made by the Stroud Urban District Council to divide the cost (£3,,10) of connecting the Ship In with the Water mains, the Committee agreed thereto.
The matter of trespass by bicycles on the towing path was discussed and the issuing of a Notice on the subject was left to the Chairman and Clerk.
The Clerk reported a boat laden with Coke, Smarts, having sunk near the Gas Works on Sunday last, involving the drawing off the entire pound, and certain cost in labour, The Committee sanctioned a charge of £1 as the cargo of coke had been thereby saved.
A cheques was asked for by the Thames and Severn Canal Trust, for the share of this Company in the adverse balance of its first year, according to the terms of their Act (sec 44) and such was sanctioned, the amount being one fourth of such balance, viz, £87..19..6.
Mr Edward Palling Little of Stroud in the County of Gloucester, Solicitor, attended for and on behalf of and under a written Authority from Sarah Jemima Martin, Widow of the Old College Maidstone in the County of Kent, Douglas Eycott Martin of Farleigh Croft Hawker Road Upper Norwood in the County of Kent Esquire, and William Egerton Martin of The Old Cottage Maidstone aforesaid Esquire and George Egerton Hodgson of No 6 Montpellier Terrace Cheltenham in the County of Gloucester Esquire being the Executors of the Will of the Reverend William Eycott Martin, Clerk Vicar of West Farleigh in the County of Kent, deceased (who died on the 25^th day of July 1896) and who at the time of his death had three Shares in the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation Numbered respectively 1, 114 and 115, and made out their claim to the said three shares now standing in the name of the said Reverend William Eycott Martin in the Books of the Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation by producing the tickets or titles of the said three shares and the Probate of the Will of the said Reverend William Eycott Martin deceased the said Will bearing date the 29^th day of July 1895 and proved by the Executors in the Principal Registry of the Probate Division of Her Majestys High Court of Justice on the 1^St day of October 1896 and the claim was admitted accordingly and new tickets or titles ordered to be made out on the tickets or titles of the said Reverend William Eycott Martin being delivered up.
Cheques drawn as follows:
Nov 17 Messrs Vizard Wenden & Son: 1..14..10
Nov 17 Messrs Stringer Brothers: 2..18..0
[Total] £4..12..10
Nov 21^st Thames and Severn Canal TrustL £87..19..6