Minutes Tue 19 Jan 1897

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Tue 19 Jan 1897


Mr Chambers, tenant for Wallbridge warehouse declined it. Mr Townsend, present occupier, to remain a few months.
Letter from General Post Office requesting placing of box on postman’s present route for reception of foreman’s letters at Double Locks.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 19^th day of January 1897 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Mr H H Mills Solicitor, Mr E P Little, Mr S S Marling, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr A B Hooper, Mr W J Stanton, Mr W Davies.
The Clerk reported that Mr Chambers, the proposed tenant for the Wallbridge Warehouse had declined it. Mr Townsend, the present occupier, will remain a few months longer if the Committee approve. This was sanctioned, and the matter for the present left in Mr Snape's hands.
The Clerk was instructed to advertise the House at Eastington, to be vacated by Mr Taylor under notice, in March.
The Chairman read a letter received by him from the Sec of the General Post Office, in reply to his communication as to deliveries at the "Double Locks", suggesting the placing of a box somewhere on the Postmans' present route, for the reception of the foreman's letters. Mr Snape was directed to make enquiries as to the practicability of this.
The Solicitor of the Company was requested to see that our "attested copy of the _Guarantee_ given by the Company on the 15^th inst to the Conservative Benefit Society in connection with their Loan to the Thames and Severn Canal Trust, be conveyed to the Clerk, to be placed with the documents of the Company.
And this Committee directed the Seal of the Company to be affixed to the above Guarantee, which was accordingly done.

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