Tue 15 Jul 1902
Messrs Braithwaite agreed to terms and payment of 21s for taking water.
Sewage pipes at Dudbridge laid. £48 19s 3d to be claimed from Stroud Rural District Council for stoppage of canal and expenses of Company.
Mr John Vick to pay 2s 6d p.a. for new towing path gate near Stonepit Bridge.
Tracing of line of proposed Light Railway over Dudbridge Bridge inspected.
Stroud Brewery Co made contract for carriage of coal by railway to end of year. Clerk to see Mr H H Bishop, Managing Director of Brewery.
Clerk to Stonehouse Parish Council suggested that all swing bridges on canal should be locked at night. Not acted upon. Hand rails, stanchions and outside beams of all swing bridges to be painted with coat of white paint every autumn.
Mr W G Robinson requested permission to erect new wooden swing bridge at Whitminster in place of brick bridge. Committee unable to comply.
Zinc sewage tank placed on Mr Kimmins’ premises at Ebley.
No reply from County Surveyor about silt coming into canal at Bristol Road Bridge.
George Smith, a boatman, committed breach of byelaws by drawing a staple and passing with a barge through Eastington Locks when padlocked by one of Company’s servants. To explain conduct to Mr Mills who would issue a summons if advisable.
Marianne Dudden claimed share no.134, will of Fanny Rawlings Dudden.
[1902 July] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 15^th day of July 1902 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Mr H Hamilton Mills Chairman, Mr A B Hooper, Mr E P Little, Mr W Davies, Mr F A Little.
[Braithwaite & Co (water)] The Clerk reported that a letter had been received from Messrs Braithwaite & C^o agreeing to the terms proposed for taking water temporarily from the Canal at Ebley viz:
14 King Street
June 21/02
Mr W J Snape
Dear Sir,
Your letter of the 19^th addressed to our Mr Rayner at Stroud has been sent on here. We agree to pay the 21^s/- you mention for use of water required for the Sewage tank works and will also conform to the requirements you ask for.
Yours faithfully
A Braithwaite ^ C^o.
[Sewerage, Dudbridge, Ebley] He also reported that the sewage pipes had been laid under the Canal at Dudbridge and Ebley and that the works had been properly done by the Contractors and the bed of the Canal made good.
[SRDC £48..19..3] The account against the Stroud Rural District Council for the stoppage of the Canal and expenses to the Company during the progress of the work amounting to £48..19..3 was directed to be sent to Mr F Winterbotham Clerk to the Council.
{Mr Vick Gate - 2/6] The Clerk also reported that Mr John Vick had agreed to pay 2/6 a year in respect of the new towing path gate near Stonepit Bridge.
[Light Railway Dudbridge] A tracing of the line of the proposed Light Railway over Dudbridge Bridge was inspected and the matter directed to stand over pending the Inquiry by the Light Railway Commissioners to be held at Gloucester on the 31^st inst.
[Stroud Brewery Coal] The Clerk reported that he had ascertained that the Stroud Brewery Company had made a contract for the carriage of coal by railway up to the end of the year and hew as directed to see Mr H A Bishop, the Managing Director of the Brewery Company, with a view to getting the coal brought up by water after that date.
[Sthse P Council - Bridges] A letter was read from the Clerk of the Stonehouse Parish Council suggesting that all the swing bridges on the Canal should be locked at night but it was considered that the suggestion could not be acted upon. The Clerk reported that he had acknowledged the receipt of the letter and was directed not to make an further reply.
[Paintg Bridges] It was resolved that for the better protection of the public the hand-rails stanchions and outside beams of all swing bridges be painted with a coat of white paint every autumn.
[Mr Robinson Whit^r Bridge] A letter was read from Mr W G Robinson requesting permission to erect a new wooden swing bridge at Whitminster in place of the existing brick bridge. The Clerk was directed to reply that the Committee regretted that they were unable to comply with Mr Robinson's request.
[Kimmins Sewage Tank] The Clerk reported that a zinc sewage tank had been placed on the premises belonging to Mr Kimmins at Ebley referred to in the Minutes of the Meeting of February 18^th last and of subsequent meetings.
[Bris Road Silt C C] The Clerk reported that no reply had been received from the County Surveyor with reference to the silt coming into the Canal at Bristol Road Bridge and he was directed to write to him again on the subject.
[Boatman - Breach of B Laws] George Smith a Boatman was reported as having committed a breach of the Bye-laws by drawing a staple and passing with a barge through Eastington Locks after they had been padlocked by one of the Company's servants. The Clerk was directed to require Smith to attend before Me Mills to furnish an explanation of his conduct. Mr Mills to have authority to order a summons to be issued if he thought it desirable.
[Inspection Repairs] The Clerk reported that the repairs referred to in the Reports of the Inspection Committee would be shortly completed with the exception of the repairs to the wall dividing Wallbridge Wharf from Lodgemore Mills.
[Share late Miss Dudden] Ferdinand Samford Whittingham of Stroud in the County of Gloucester, Solicitor, attended under a written authority of Marianne Dudden care of A Shape Esq 39 George St Huddersfield in the County of York Spinster sole executrix of the Will of Fanny Rawlings Dudden late of N^o 13 Undercliff S^t Leonards-on-Sea in the County of Sussex Spinster formerly of West Hill Huddersfield in the County of York (who died on the 21^st day of February 1902) and who at the time of her death held one share in the Company N^o 134 and now standing in the name of the said Fanny Rawlings Dudden deceased in the books of Company and made out her claim by producing the ticket or title to the said one share and the probate of the Will of the said Fanny Rawlings Dudden bearing date the 20^th day of October 1884 and proved by the said executrix in the District Probate Registry of His Majesty's High Court of Justice at Lewes on the 18^th day of April 1902 and the claim was admitted accordingly and a new ticket ordered to be made out on the ticket or title of the said share being delivered u.
[Bridge Gas Ho Lane] The Clerk was authorised to order the necessary castings and timber for Gas House Lane Bridge.
It was resolved that no Committee Meeting be held next month.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
Gloucester Harbour Board, P Cook Esq: 6..0..0
Vizard Wenden & Penley: 1..12..9
Iron & Marble C^o Ltd: 2..7..3
Dudbridge Iron Works Ltd: 1..6..11
Stonehouse Brick & Tiles C^o Ltd: 1..14..2
[Total] 13..1..1