Minutes Tue 21 Oct 1902

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Tue 21 Oct 1902


Scheme for proposed Light Railway had fallen through.
Notice to quit office and stables at Dudbridge Wharf on 1 November received from Mr T Ward.
No communication with County Surveyor with reference to silt in canal at Bristol Road Wharf.
Repairs, including wall between Wallbridge Wharf and Lodgemore Mills completed.
Mr Mills resigned as solicitor to Company. Messrs Little & Whittingham appointed solicitors to Company from 1 October.

Verbatim text

[1902 Oct] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 21^st day of October 1902 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Mr H Hamilton Mills Chairman, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr A B Hooper, Mr A J M Ball, Mr E P Little, Mr W Davies, Mr S S Marling, Mr P J Evans, Mr W J Stanton.
[Auditor] The various accounts, books and vouchers signed by the Auditor and certified to be correct were produced and passed.
[Treasurer] The Treasurers Book was produced and signed by the Chairman.
[Braithwaite & Co 21/-] The Clerk reported that Messrs Braithwaite & C^o had paid 21^s/- for use of water while constructing Tanks for the Sewage Works at Ebley.
[Vick Agreement] The completed Agreement with Mr John Vick was to the Towing path Gate near Stonepit Bridge was produced.
[Light Railway (lapsed)] It was reported that the scheme for the proposed Light Railway which would have crossed the Canal by Dudbridge Bridge had fallen through.
[E T Ward notice] The Clerk reported that Notice to quit the Office and Stables at Dudbridge Wharf on the 1^st November next had been received from Mr E T Ward and he was instructed to endeavour to find another tenant for the premises.
[Bris Road Silt] The Clerk reported that he had received no further communication from the County Surveyor with reference to the silt coming into the Canal at the Bristol Road Wharf and he was instructed to write to him again on the subject.
[Repairs (Inspection)] The Clerk reported that all the repairs referred to in the Report of the Inspection Committee and ordered to be done had now been completed including the Wall between Wallbridge Wharf and Lodgemore Mills.
[M^r Mills Solicitor's Resignation] Mr Mills intimated his wish to resign the appointment of Solicitor to the Company, and on the motion of Sir William Marling seconded by Mr Morton Ball a vote of thanks was accorded to him for his services during the 19½ years for which he had held the office.
[Little & Whittingham Sol^s] It was unanimously resolved that Messrs Little & Whittingham be appointed Solicitors to the Company on the same terms as those on which Mr Mills held the Office, as from Oct 1^st inst.

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