Minutes Wed 17 Jul 1907

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Wed 17 Jul 1907


Memorandum of 19 June adopted as Minutes.
Annual inspection reports received for lower section of canal, Eastington to Framilode, by Messrs E P Little and S S Marling on 5 July, with Clerk. Mr F A Little to survey section Stroud to Ryeford, with Clerk at early date.
Mr Whittingham produced copy of letter, 19 June, his firm had written to Rural District Council of Wheatenhurst in reply to notice to abate nuisance of ditch at Newtown, Eastington, repudiating liability. Offer of reasonable assistance, without prejudice. No reply received.
Clerk had explained to C D H Deane that Company could not allow any infraction of byelaws in his use of towpath with his cycle. Question raised of right of way from Ryeford Cottages. Mr Kimmins, owner, had known ‘for 40 years’. Mr Whittingham’s reply to safeguard Company’s right to towpath, regularly asserted at intervals by stopping it, for many years.
Chairman wished to be relieved of post of Representative and Trustee of Gloucester Harbour Board, if Vice Chairman, Mr H Hamilton Mills, would undertake it.
Edward Palling Little and John Caruthers Little claimed shares nos.16,17,51,56,64,82,83,120,140,146,172, will of Edward Caruthers Little.
Reports from survey of canal:
Walls, bridges, tenements and works generally in good order. Cutting of weeds in canal proceeding.
Posts erected on Company’s property as far as the Walk Bridge noted. Some considered by Mr W Grey Robinson as on his patch.
Stores at Eastington in good order. Iron framework for new bridge at Hilly Orchard excellent. In future repair of gates at Framilode, marks recorded on them should be transferred on independent post, permanently retaining record.
Reports of section Ryeford Bridge to Wallbridge Ryeford Bridge: two coping stones loose, western parapet, County Council responsible. Towpath has hole requiring attention. Alleged right of way along towpath from bridge to footbridge. Impossible to determine existence. Footpath from towpath to road over bridge unnecessary for canal purposes. Right of way from swing footbridge eastward to gardens sold by auction, 1 August 1885. Query ‘right of way’ then reserved. Unwise to dispute a right of footway or for a barrow or for wheeling, not riding, bicycle from bridge to swing bridge.
Double Locks: Early repairs probable. Footpath to towpath, near sewage works, diversion from old line. Water in canal here much clearer than formerly.
Wall of Ebley Bridge eastward needs repair, also metalling.
Warehouse and stable at Dudbridge Wharf needs guttering. Piling of bank.
Gas Work:. Bank requires repair west of retaining wall.
Canal full of water and in good working order.
Section from Ryeford to Eastington surveyed 28 August added to minutes.
Stonehouse Wharf: Office erected by Mr Ward without asking permission. Query rent. Serious crack in ground plate of new weighbridge. Maker’s responsibility? Boundaries next to M R property noted.
Stonehouse Ocean: Boundary between Stroudwater Navigation and Stonehouse Court Farm, land gradually encroaching on water area.
Mud tip getting filled up.
New bottom gates below Newtown just completed. Very satisfactory. Old ones worn out.
Wing walls of Company’s bridges: Suggest deposits of puddle clay for use as required, to evidence right to areas they include. Minor repairs needed.

Verbatim text

[1907 July] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 17^th day of July 1907 @ 4.15pm
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Mr A J M Ball, Mr P J Evans, Mr W Davies, Mr F A Little, Mr E P Little, Sir W H Marling, Mr Whittingham in attendance.
The Chairman explained that there had not been a "quorum" last month, but the four members of Committee present dealt with the items of business requiring attention as shown by the (7) "Memoranda" foregoing which he read. He suggested that these should now be adopted as 'Minutes', and this was unanimously agreed to. He read also the Minutes of the Meeting of May 15^th, which were confirmed.
[Canal Inspection] The lower section of the Canal - Eastington to Framilode - had been inspected by two members of the Committee, Messrs E P Little & S S Marling on July 5 with the Clerk, and their report thereon, was read by the Chairman, who was requested to include a summary thereof in these Minutes.
{Canal Inspection] Mr F A Little undertook to survey the section - Stroud to Ryeford - with the Clerk, at an early date, and the Chairman was left to inspect the remainder thence to Eastington, - as soon as he might be able.
[Nuisance Newtown Ditch] Mr Whittingham produced a copy of the letter (June 19^th) his firm had written (as the Company's Solicitors) to the Rural District Council of Wheatenhurst in reply to their notice to abate the nuisance of a ditch at Newtown, Eastington, repudiating liability, but offering them without prejudice, and reasonable assistance that might be agreed upon. No reply had been received.
[C D H Deane cycle on towpath, Ryeford] The Clerk reported having seen C D H Deane, as requested last month, in reference to his using the towpath _with his cycle_, and explained to him the Company could not allow in any case infraction of the Bye Laws. He had now however, received a letter of yesterdays date, which raised the larger question of 'right of way' from those Ryeford Cottages, by the bridge and towpath, after seeing Mr Kimmins (the owner) who had said he had known it 'for 40 years'. A discussion took place as to the mode of dealing with this, and the view of the Company's Solicitors was adopted that Mr Whittingham should write a reply in terms which, without threatening action, should safeguard the Company's right to the towpath, which had been regularly asserted at intervals, by stopping it, for many years.
[August Meeting] It accordance with recent precedent, it was ordered that the monthly meeting of the Committee, be suspended in August. Should special business require it, the Chairman would convene a Meeting.
[Representation & Trustee Gloucester Harbour Board] The Chairman expressed his wish to be relieved of the post of Representative (& trustee) on the 'Gloucester Harbour Board', if the Vice Chairman, Mr H Hamilton Mills would undertake it, as he believed he was willing to do. He would communicate with Mr Mills, and is so arranged, the change would date from August 1.
[Claim of Shares 172] Edward Palling Little of Amberley Court near Stroud in the County of Gloucester Esquire attended under a written authority on behalf of himself and John Caruthers Little of Pitchcombe House near Stroud in the County of Gloucester a retired Colonel in His Majestys Army and Frederick Arthur Littel of Atcombe Court near Woodchester also in the County of Gloucester Esquire Executors of the Will of Edward Caruthers Little late of Tracy House Cheltenham in teh County of Gloucester Esquire formerly of Field Place near Stroud in the said County deceased (who dies on the 6^th day of April 1907 at Tracy House aforesaid) and who at the time of his death held eleven (11) shares in the Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation numbered respectively 16. 17. 51. 56. 64. 82. 82. 120, 140, 146 & 172 and now standing in the name of the said Edward Caruthers Little deceased in the Books of the said Company and made out their claim by producing the tickets or title to the said eleven shares and the Probate of the Will (with one codicil thereto) bearing date the 26^th day of May 1906 and the codicil bearing date the 5^th day of March 1907 and proved by the said Executors in the District Probate Registry of His Majestys High Court of Justice at Gloucester on the 14^th day of June 1907 and the claim was admitted accordingly and new tickets or titles ordered to be made out on the tickets or titles of the said shares being delivered up.
[Survey] _Summary of Reports of Survey of Canal 1907_
[July 5] _Framilode to Eatington:- Messrs E P Little & S S Marling_ (with Mr Snape).
The walls, bridges, tenements & works were generally found in good order, certain small repairs required were duly noted in the Report, e.g. at Whitminster Wharf houses -
The cutting of the weeds in the Canal was proceeding.
The posts recently erected on the Company's property by the National Telephone Company, as far as 'The Walk Bridge' were noted, with special reference to such of them as have been considered by Mr Grey Robinson, as on _his_ land.
The Stores at the Yard, Eastington, were inspected and found in good order. The iron framework for the new Bridge at 'Hilly Orchard', completed there, was also examined and considered excellent.
The 'Survey' suggested that in case of future repair of the 'Gates' at Framilode, the flood marks now recorded on _them_, should be transferred to an independent post, by way of permanently maintaining their record.
[July 25] _Ryeford Bridge to Wallbridge_: Mr F A Little (with Mr Snape).
_Ryeford Bridge_:- 2 Coping Stones loose, Western parapet (County Council)
_Towpath_:- A hole requiring attention.
Alleged right of way along towpath, from Bridge to foot Bridge -
From inspection it is impossible to determine whether this exists or not. There is a footpath from the towpath to the Road over the Bridge, which for canal purposes is unnecessary.
A right of way from the swing footbridge _Eastward_ to gardens which were sold by Auction August 1^st 1885, -Query 'Right of way' then reserved. Without more definite information it would be unwise to dispute a right of footway or for a barrow or for _wheeling_ (not riding) a bicycle from the Bridge to the swing bridge.
_Double Locks_:- Early repairs probable. A footpath running to the towpath, near sewage works, appears to be a diversion from the old line (should be occasionally obstructed where it joins towpath?).
Water in canal here, much clearer than formerly.
_Ebley Bridge_:- Wall of Bridge, Eastward, needs repair, also metalling.
_Dudbridge Wharf_,- Warehouse & Stable need guttering. Piling of bank.
_Gas Works_- Bank requires repair W of retaining wall.
The Canal was full of water & appeared in goog working order.
[Aug 28] _Ryeford to Eastington_:- Mr Hooper (with Mr Snape).
_Stonehouse Wharf_:- Office erected by Mr Ward, without asking permission. Query Rent of same. Ground plate of new Weighbridge serious crack. Query Maker's responsibility.
Boundaries next M R property noted.
_Stonehouse Ocean_: Boundaries SWN & Stonehouse Court Farm Land, gradually incroaching on the Water areal
_The 'Mud Tip'_:- Getting filled up.
The _New Bottom Gates_: below Newtown - just completed and very satisfactory - the old ones quite worn out.
Wing walls of Company's Bridges - suggest deposits of Puddle clay for use as required, to evidence right to the areas they include.
Minor repairs needed, noted by Mr Snape, as current work.

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