Minutes Wed 22 Apr 1908

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Wed 22 Apr 1908


Continuation from page 101:
£3 rent of stable built for Mr Whiting at Eastington Wharf in 1889. Cost £56 2s 4d now replaced, amount £56 5s. In future rent to Current Account.
Fixed payment of £150 to County Council on account of Thames & Severn Canal Co considered as a liability.

Verbatim text

[from page 101]
[Stable at Eastington] The Clerk mentioned that the Rent of the Stable (£3) which was built for Mr Whiting at Eastington Wharf in 1889 from the 'Reserve Fund', at a cost of £56..2..4 had now replaced that amount (£56..5..0) and it was ordered that the Rent should henceforth be entered to _Current Account_.
[A/c proposed by the Clerk with the Auditor 'Assets and Liabilities'] The Committee proceeded to examine the account prepared by the Clerk with the Auditor, in accordance with the minute of May 15^th 1907, showing for its satisfaction, the full amount of 'Assets & Liabilities' at the end of the year, as distinct from the ordinary 'Receipts and Disbursements' furnished to Shareholders in conformity with the Act of Parliament. Mr Dudbridge, the Auditor, who was in attendance, was consulted upon the details, and it was recognised that the proportion of the fixed payment (£150) due to the County Council on A/c of the Thames and Severn Canal each Sept 30 should be _recokoned as a liability, and provided for_ each half year as accrued. The failure sufficiently to do this last half year, combined with adverse conditions since, being seen to involve, now, an unusually small margin for dividend. Mr Dudbridge suggested that it would take but little more trouble to prepare such an account _each half-year_, and this was accepted, Mr Dudbridge being good enough to say that, at present at least, he should make no extra charge beyond his usual fee of £5..5..- annually.

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