Minutes Wed 21 Oct 1908

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Wed 21 Oct 1908


R A Price demurred to signing tenancy agreement of buildings at Dudbridge Wharf. Partner Holland left him. Clause about maintaining condition cancelled. Clerk to ask him to sign.
Cost of notices limiting responsibility as to heavy motors crossing bridges considered.
Payment by Stroud Metal Co for supply of water from canal to house at Dudbridge occupied by Mr Newsome. Tenant to continue payment.
Stroud Brewery’s wish to carry 1 inch pipe from canal to their house, Victoria Tap, at Dudbridge. 5s to canal, 10s along towpath.

Verbatim text

[1908 October] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^st day of October 1908 ' 3.15pm
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Mr F S Whittingham, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr J R M Ball, Mr W J Stanton, MR W Davies, Mr P J Evans, Mr E P Little, Mr F A Little.
[Survey Report] The Chairman alluded to the various items of the Survey as noted in the minutes, and reported on them to the Committee.
Mr R A Price premises at Dudbridge] The Clerk reported that Mr R A Price had demurred from signing the Agreement he had desired for the tenancy of the buildings at Dudbridge Wharf, as his partner (Holland) had left him and he feared he might not be able to carry out his plans, on a permanent basis. It was pointed out however by the Solicitor, that the Agreement was drawn on a monthly tenancy, and the consent of the Committee to cancel a clause Mr Price had objected to, about maintaining the condition, the Clerk was directed to ask him to sing the Agreement.
[Motors crossing Bridges] The bearings of the Regulations to heavy Motors crossing Bridges and the necessity of Notices limiting responsibility, was considered, and the Clerk was directed to enquire as to the cost of such Notices before the next meeting.
[Stroud Metal C^o water from Canal] The payment of the 'Stroud Metal C^o' of the charge for supply of water from the canal to their house at Dudbridge, now occupied by Mr Newsome, was mentioned, and being paid (in advance) to June next, was postpones. It was understood the _tenant_ will be ready to continue the payment.
[Stroud Brewery C^o re pipe to & under the Canal] The Clerk reported a conversation with the Secretary of the Stroud Brewery C^o as to their wish to carry a 1"in pipe from the canal to their house (Victoria Tap) at Dudbridge. It was agreed to allow the same, subject to an annual payment of 5/- _to_ and under to the canal, and 10^s/- along the towpath as indicated.
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