Minutes Wed 17 Feb 1909

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Wed 17 Feb 1909


Mr Evans appointed Chairman to follow late Chas Hooper. Sir William Marling referred in sympathetic terms to death of late Chairman and proposed ‘that this Committee deeply regrets loss of its esteemed Chairman, Mr Hooper, and expresses its sincere and respectful sympathy with Mrs Hooper...’.
Vacation by Mr Price of warehouse at Dudbridge. No replies received to advertisements. Notices to be put in prominent places.
Correspondence with Mr Gardom, Mr Jebb, Engineer of Birmingham Canal, and Mr Curbishley, Surveyor of Trent and Mersey Navigation on required notice under New Motor Acts.
Through traffic on Thames & Severn Canal, year ended September 1808 £350 6s 0d. £416 19s 3d average of past three years. Decrease of £32 4s 0d. No payment due under Thames & Severn Canal Trust Act 1895.
Water required by Mr W Grey Robinson of Parklands, Whitminster. Cost 20s p.a.

Verbatim text

[1909 February] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 17^th day of February 1909 @ 3.15pm
Present: Mr P J Evans Chairman, Mr F S Whittingham, Mr S S Marling, Mr A J M Ball, Mr E P Little, Mr J R M Ball, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr F A Little, Mr W J Stanton.
[Mr C H Hooper] At a meeting held 17/02/09 Mr Ball in the Chair,. It was proposed by Sir W H Marling Bart and seconded by Mr Ball and carried that Mr Evans be appointed Chairman to follow the late Mr Chas Hooper.
Mr Evan's having thanked the Committee accepted the office for the present at all events, and took the Chair.
[Minutes confirmed] The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.
[Mr C H Hooper] Sir W H Marling referred in sympathetic terms to the death of the late Chairman Mr Charles Hooper and proposed:-
"That this Committee deeply regrets the loss of its esteemed Chairman Mr Hooper and expresses its sincere and respectful sympathy with Mrs Hooper and the other relatives of the deceased Gentleman in this sad bereavement."
Mr Ball seconded and the Chairman in putting it to the meeting cordially supported what had fallen form the proposer and seconder as to the great loss sustained and the high standards of principle always followed by Mr Hooper.
The proposal was unanimously agreed to and the Chairman undertook to communicate same to Mrs Hooper.
[Mr Price premises at Dudbridge] The question of the vacation by Mr Price of the Warehouse at Dudbridge was discussed and it having been reported that no replies had been received to the advertisements published in the local papers, Mr Snape was instructed to have notices of its being to let placed in prominent positions on the property and to endeavour to secure a tenant even if another rental were taken.
[Bridge Notices] A correspondence with Mr Gardom, Mr Jebb the Engineer of the Birmingham Canal and Mr Curbishley, Surveyor of the Trent and Mersey Navigation on the subject of the required notice under New Motor Acts was read and the matter fully discussed but it was decided to postpone its further consideration till next Committee Meeting.
[T&S Canal] The Clerk reported the result of the Statement he had been instructed to prepare in response to the requirement of the County Council (under sec 43 of the T&S Canal Trust Act 1895) as to through traffic for the year ended September 1908.
It appeared that £350..6..0 was the amount of such through traffic for the year and £416..19..3 the average for the three years past.
The latter figure compared with the average of the three years ended September 1894 (£449..4..1) showed a decrease of £32..4..10 and therefore no payment was due under the sec 46 T&S Canal Trust Act 1895.
[Mr Grey Robinson Water from Canal] A letter from Mr W Grey Robinson of Parklands Whitminster was placed before the Committee and the Clerk was instructed to write that the required water could be had at 20^s/ per annum, a proper agreement to be drawn up by Mr Whittingham.

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