Minutes Wed 21 Apr 1909

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Wed 21 Apr 1909


Draft of notice to be placed on bridges under recent Motor Act discussed.
Agreement with Mr Grey Robinson sealed on 19 March. £1 paid.
Mr Hopson to pay £6 per annum for tenancy of lower floor of warehouse at Wallbridge.
Mr James Smart of Chalford, charges made for docking his damaged vessel. Mr E P Little to arrange with Mr Smart.
National Telephone Co applied for leave to erect poles at Stonehouse. Some danger to towing path bank. Mr Davies and Mr Little to inspect place.
Henry Robert Hooper and Charles Alexander Hooper claimed shares no.145, will of Charles Henry Hooper.

Verbatim text

[1909 April] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesay the 21^st day of April 1909 @ 3.30pm
Present: Mr P J Evans Chairman, Mr F S Whittingham, Mr F A Little, Mr J R Morton Ball, Mr E P Little, Mr A J Morton Ball, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr W Davies, Mr W J Stanton, Mr H Hamilton Mills.
Mr W J Snape in attendance.
[Confirmation of Minutes] The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.
[Property at Dudbridge] The Clerk reported that the property at Dudbridge was still unlet.
[Motor Car Act] The Draft of Notice to be placed in Bridges under the recent Motor Car Act which had been agreed upon at the last Committee of the Thames and Severn Canal was produced and discussed and it was left in the hands of Mr Whittingham for consideration before the next meeting.
[Mr Grey Robinson Agreement] It was stated that the Agreement with Mr Grey Robinson had been duly sealed on March 19^th last and the first years payment of £1..0 had been made.
[Mr Hopson Warehouse Wallbridge] Mr Hopson having intimated his wish to continue the tenancy of the lower floor of the Warehouse at Wallbridge at £6..- per annum this was agreed to.
[Mr J Smart Docking A/c] A question having arisen with Mr James Smart of Chalford over the charges made for Docking his damaged vessel it was agreed to leave it in the hands of Mr E P Little to arrange with Mr Smart.
[National Telephone C^o] The National Telephone C^o having applied for leave to erect certain poles at Stonehouse it was considered that there might be some danger to the towing path bank in their erection and Mr Davis and Mr F A Little undertook to inspect the place and endeavour to come to some arrangement with the Telephone Compy.
[Claim of Share N^o 145] Ferdinand Samford Whittingham of Stroud in the County of Gloucester Solicitor attended under a written authority form Henry Robert Hooper of Eastington Mills Stonehouse in the County of Gloucester Esquire and Charles Alexander Hooper of Nos 10,11 & 12 Ely Place Holborn in the City of London, Solicitor, (surviving) Executors of the Will and Codicil of Charles Henry Hooper of Eastington Lodge in the County of Gloucester Woollen Cloth Manufacturer deceased who dies on the 2^nd day of February 1909 at Eastington Lodge aforesaid and who at the time of his death held one share in the Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation numbered 145 now standing in the name of the said Charles Henry Hooper aforesaid deceased in the Books of the said Company & made out their claim by producing the tickets or title to the said one share and the Probate of the Will of the said Charles Henry Hooper the said Will bearing date the 3^rd day of June 1908 with the Codicil bearing date the 11^th day of September 1908 and proved by the said surviving Executors thereof in the District Probate Registry at Gloucester of His Majestys High Court of Justice on the 27^th day of February 1909 and the claim was admitted accordingly and a new ticket or title ordered to be made out on the ticket of title of the said share being delivered up.

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