Minutes Wed 16 Jun 1909

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Wed 16 Jun 1909


Committee to procure and affix plates for bridges with wording as that of Thames & Severn Canal.
Claim of 7s 6d on Mr Smart for use of dock at Eastington. If cost of damage to Lodgemore Bridge, 12s 7d, paid by the Captain of the boat, claim should not be pressed. Captain promised to bear cost of repairing damage to post at Lodgemore Bridge.
National Telephone Co had adopted plan agreed as to poles, stays and cable, Ocean Bridge to Bond’s Mill, 30s a year.
Stroud Gas Co offered to pay £5 for water supply to their new gasholder tank.
Mr Whittingham to see Mrs Grafton and settle claim.
Mr Z Whiting had seen Mr Morton Ball as to his rents and tolls.
Triangular piece of ground adjoining Mr S S Truscott’s property on canal bank at Newtown: Chairman and Mr F A Little to settle rent to be paid by Mr Truscott.
Mr A R Blick applied for water for Stonehouse Parish Council roads. Allowed on payment of £1 p.a.

Verbatim text

[1909 June] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 16^th day of June 1909 @ 3.30pm
Present: Philip J Evans Chairman. H Hamilton Mills, W H Marling, F S Whittingham, Edward P Little, F A Little, W^m Davies, S S Marling, J R Morton Ball, Walter J Stanton.
[Property at Dudbridge] The Clerk reported that the Property at Dudbridge was still unlet.
[Bridge Notice] The matter of the 'Bridge Notices' required by the new Act was again considered and it was decided to procure and affix plates with the same wording as that of the Thames and Severn Canal.
[Mr Smarts A/c Lodgemore Bridge] The Claim on Mr Smart (7.6) for use of Dock at Eastington, it was agreed that if the cost of damage to Lodgemore Bridge (12.7) is paid by the Captain of the Boat, this claim should not be pressed.
[Lodgemore Bridge damage to post] In the matter of damage to "Post" at Lodgemore Bridge the Clerk reported that the Captain had promised to pay the cost of repair viz 12/7.
[Nt Tel C^o Poles & Stays Ocean Bdge to Bonds Mill] The National Telephone Company had adopted the plan agreed on as to Poles, Stays and Cable, Ocean Bridge to Bonds Mill, and agreed to pay 35/- a year. Mr Whittingham to draw up the agreement.
[Stroud Gas C^o water to new Gas Holder Tank] The Stroud Gas Co had offered to pay for water supply to their new Gasholder Tank a sum of £3 per annum making £6..- in all, and the Committee agreed to accept this offer and make no charge for the first filling.
[Stop Gate at Framilode] As to Stop Gate at Framilode and the application from Saul Parish Council this would be dealt with in the report of the Annual inspection.
[Mrs Grafton re Lodgemore Bridge] A letter and statement from Mrs Grafton respecting the accident at Lodgemore Bridge was considered and Mr Whittingham was desired to see the applicant and while admitting no liability to settle the thing amicably if possible.
[Canal Inspection] The Clerk reported that the Canal had been Inspected from Framilode to Eastington on the 10^th inst, by Mr F S Whittingham and Mr J R M Ball and the report would be presented at next Meeting of the Committee.
[Mr Z Whiting re rents & tolls] It was reported that Mr Z Whiting had seen Mr Morton Ball as to his rents and tolls at Eastington and he would mention the matter at the next Meeting.
[Mr S S Turscott re Triangular piece of land at Newtown] As to the triangular piece of ground adjoining Mr S S Truscott's property on the Canal Bank at Newtown (see Minute Book "5" Page 360). The Chairman and Mr F A Little were desired to settle rent to be paid by Mr Truscott after they had inspected it.
[Canal Association Report] The Report was read of the Canal Association Proceedings Committee Meeting held on June 11/09.
[Stonehouse Parish Council water for roads] Mr A R Blick having applied to the Committee re water for Stonehouse Parish Council roads the Clerk was instructed to inform the Council they would be allowed to take water on payment of £1 a year.


Minute Book 5 page 360 is accessible at

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