Minutes Wed 21 Jul 1909

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Wed 21 Jul 1909


Small building at Dudbridge Wharf not yet let. Clerk to see various house agents in Stroud.
Captain of boat that damaged Lodgemore Bridge had not yet paid cost of repair. Mr Smart, owner, to put pressure on captain to pay at once. Committee agreed to waive claim on Mr Smart for dockage at Eastington.
Stroud Gas Co had paid £3 extra annual charge for water to their new gasholder tank.
Mr Whittingham, in letter to Mrs Grafton, repudiated any liability on part of Navigation for her accident at Lodgemore Bridge.
Reports of annual inspection of canal.
Mr Truscott of Eastington to rent small piece of land adjoining his at 1s per annum.
Stonehouse Parish Council intended having water needed for next twelve months from the Stroud Water Co.
Mr John Vick of Quedgeley had not paid 2s 6d due for gate on towing path near Stonepits Bridge.
Claim on County Council for dredging 40 tons of silt from canal at Ebley by swing bridge, 40 tons near the Shipways Works at Ebley and 25 tons at Stonehouse Cross Bridge. 1s 6d per ton.
Discharge of sewage into canal at Ebley. No further action.

Verbatim text

[1909 July] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^st day of July 1909 @ 3.30pm
Present: Philip J Evans Chairman, H Hamilton Mills, W H Marling, F S Whittingham, S S Marling, W^m Davies, Walter J Stanton.
[Property at Dudbridge] The Clerk reported that the small building on Dudbridge Wharf had not yet been let and he was instructed to see the various house agents in Stroud and try to get it taken.
[Mr Smart re Lodgemore Bridge] The Captain of the Boat that damaged the Lodgemore Bridge not having paid the cost of repair as promised the Clerk was instructed to request Mr Smart the Owner to put pressure on the Captain to pay at once and especially as the Committee had agreed to waive their claim on Mr Smart for Dockage at Eastington on the strength of the promise that the damage to Bridge should be paid for.
[Nat Tel C^o Agreement] The Agreement with the National Telephone C^o as amended by Mr Whittingham was read and the Clerk was authorised to sign it.
[Stroud Gas C^o water from Canal] It was reported that the Stroud Gas Company had paid the £3..- extra annual charge, for water to their new Gasholder Tank.
[Mrs Grafton re Lodgemore Bridge] Mr Whittingham reported that he had written Mrs Grafton repudiating any liability on the part of the Navigation for her accident at Lodgemore Bridge and that he had heard nothing since from her.
[Canal Inspection] The Reports of the Annual Inspection of the Canal by Messrs Whittingham and Ball and Messrs F A Little & P J Evans were read, and considered, and Mr Snape reported as to his proposals for carrying out the recommendations contained in them.
[Mr S S Truscott piece of land at Newtown] The Clerk had heard from Mr Truscott of Eastington that he would rent the small piece of land adjoining his at 1^s/- per annum.
[Stonehouse Parish Council water for roads] The Stonehouse Parish Council had written saying they intended having the water they needed for the next twelve months from the Stroud Water C^oy.
[Mr J Vick re Gate near Stonepits Bdge] The Clerk reported that Mr John Vick of Quedgeley had not paid the 2/6 due from him for gate on towing path near Stonepits Bridge and was desired to write to him again on the subject.
[Silt washed into Canal from the roads] It was decided to make a claim n the County Council for dredging 20 tons of silt from the Canal at Ebley by Swing Bridge. 40 tons near Mer Shipways Works at Ebley and 25 tons at Stonehouse Cross Bridge at rate of 1/6 per ton.
[Discharge of Sewage into Canal at Ebley] The Clerk called attention to a discharge of Sewage into Canal at Ebley about which the Sanitary Inspector had been spoken to but is was decided to take no further action at the present time.
The next meeting was fixed for September 15^th.

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