Minutes Wed 20 Oct 1909

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Wed 20 Oct 1909


Mr James Smart had paid 12s 7d for damage to bridge at Lodgemore.
Ryeford road bridge repaired. Cost £20 13s 11d.
Large stone at heel of Ocean Swing Bridge at Stonehouse badly worn. Lifted, dressed and reset.
Boundary stone placed by the Ocean, marking division between Stonehouse Court property and the canal lands. Lettered SWN.
Chamber of inside bottom gate at Newtown Lock rebuilt.
At Pike Lock leak to be stopped in lock side and patch put on bridge.
Stroud Water Co claimed sole right to supply the public within their parliamentary area with water. Request to Stroudwater Navigation to discontinue supplying water from canal to mill owners and others. Clerk to ask Water Co. to point out on which section of their Act of Parliament they based their claim.
Cost of dredging canal at Ebley and elsewhere. Deposit of silt from roads with storm water. Unable to convince Chairman of Highways Deposit Committee that County was liable.
Engineer of Sharpness New Docks Co had canal between the Shallow Lock and the Junction dredged. 11,808 tons of mud removed.

Verbatim text

[1909 October] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 20^th day of October 1909 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Philip J Evans Chairman, Walter J Stanton, W^m Davies, S S Marling, F S Whittingham, F A Little.
[Minutes] The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.
[Books Vouchers certified by Auditor produced] The various Books & Vouchers signed by the Auditor and certified to be correct were produced and passed.
[Treasurers Book (signed by Chairman)] The Treasurers Book was examined and signed by the Chairman.
The Clerk reported that:
[Clerks Report Lodgemore Bridge] 1 Mr James Smart had paid the amount charged him for damage to the Bridge at Lodgemore viz 12/7.
[Ryeford Road Bridge] 1 Ryeford (Road) Bridge had been thoroughly repaired at a cost of £20..13..11.
['Ocean Bridge' Stone at heel dressed and reset] 3 A large stone at the heel of the Ocean Swing Bridge at Stonehouse, which was badly worn, had been lifted, dressed and reset.
[Ocean Stone marked SWN put in marking boundary] 4 A Boundary Stone had been placed in the 'Ocean' marking the division between Stonehouse Court property, and the Canal lands, lettered S W N.
[Locks, Gate Chamber, Newtown Lock] 5 The Chamber inside bottom Gate at Newtown Lock had been rebuilt.
[Pike Lock] 6 At Pike Lock a leak had been stopped in the lock side and a patch put in the Bridge.
[Stroud Water C^o re water supplied by S W N] A letter from the Stroud Water C^o was produced and read in which they claimed the sole right to supply the public in their parliamentary area with water and requesting the Stroudwater Navigation to discontinue supplying water from their Canal to Mill Owners and others and the Clerk was instructed to reply asking the Water C^o to point out on which section of their Act of Parliament they based their claim.
[Silt in Canal County Council drains] The Chairman reported that he had conferred with the Chairman of the Highways Committee of the County Council respecting the cost of dredging the Canal at Ebley & elsewhere consequent upon the deposit of silt from the Roads with the Storm water but was unable to convince him that the County was liable. The Clerk was instructed to write that the Navigation would not waive its claim.
[Dredging Shallow Lk to Junction] A letter from the Engineer of the Sharpness New Docks C^o was read stating that the Canal between the 'Shallow Lock' and the 'Junction' had bee dredged and 11808 tons of mud removed.

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