Minutes Wed 19 Jan 1910

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Wed 19 Jan 1910


Chairman had conferred with Chairman of Highways Committee re introduction of silt with road water at Ebley and elsewhere. No liability on part of county. Mr Whittingham to draft letter for Mr Snape refusing to accept this disclaimer. Request for Highways officials to take special care to keep catch pits clear until satisfactory solution found.
No reply from Stroud Water Co re supply to millowners or other riparian occupiers of water from canal.
Correspondence with Stroud Urban District Council read. Desired trespass on towing path and under canal allowed on payment of 10s per annum.
Messrs Apperly Curtis had approached Mr Snape re purchase of small quantity of land at Dudbridge. Chairman to inspect site and arrange with Messrs Apperley to sell them land reserving right of entry for repairs to building belonging to Navigation and providing for water from roof falling on said ground.

Verbatim text

[1910 January] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 19^th day of January 1910 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Walter J Stanton, Edward P Little, W^m Davies, F A Little, J R Morton Ball, F S Whittingham, Philip J Evans. W H Marling.
[Silt in Canal Glos G C] The Chairman reported that he had conferred with the Chairman of the Highways Committee of the County Council respecting the introduction of silt with the Road water at Ebley and elsewhere but could not get him to recognise any liability on the part of the County with regard to this.
Mr Whittingham was desired to draft a letter for Mr Snape refusing to accept this disclaimer and requesting that especial care be taken by the Highways Officials to keep catch pits clear and avoid the mischief complained of as far as possible until some satisfactory solution could be found.
[Stroud Water C^o] No further reply had been received from the Stroud Water Company respecting the supply of Millowners and other riparian occupiers of water from Canal.
[Stroud UDC] Further correspondence with the Stroud Urban District Council was read and it was resolved to allow the desired trespass on towing path and under Canal on payment of 10/- per annum.
[T&S Canal A/cs] The Clerk produced Statment of A/cs and Balance Sheet of the Thames and Severn Canal for the year ended the 30^th September 1909. The amount of Tolls received by this Company in respect to through traffic over the Stroudwater Navigation to and from the Thames and Severn Canal for the year ended the 30^th September 1909 will now be ascertained in compliance with sec 43 of the Thames and Severn Canal Trust Act 1895.
[Messrs Apperly Curtis & C^o land at Dudbridge] Messrs Apperly Curtis have approached Mr Snape respecting the purchase of a small quantity of land at Dudbridge - it was left to the Chairman to inspect the site and to arrange with Messrs Apperly to sell them the land reserving the right of entry for repairs to the building belonging to the Navigation and providing for the water from the Roof falling on the said ground.

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