Minutes Wed 16 Feb 1910

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Wed 16 Feb 1910


Clerk’s letter to Mr Sinnott, County Surveyor, re silting up of canal. Committee not to press claim for £7 17s 6d. County considered legally liable, amount small. County Council in future should take every care to prevent road drift being washed into Company’s canal.
Stroud Urban District Council agreed to terms proposed but unfair to make them take up pipes again at any time. Necessary to insert powers to give 6 or 12 months’ notice.
Charles Henry White, Framilode, in arrears of rent since Michaelmas. Payment at once. If not, there is property sufficient to distrain to proceed to necessary action.
Mr Whiting depositing railway borne coal on wharf at Eastington rented by him from Navigation. Not permitted. Clerk to try to persuade him to have his coal by water in future.
Sale of land at Dudbridge Wharf to Messrs Apperly at 3s per sq yard for 37 sq yards, £5 11s 0d.
Key of seal box formerly held by Mr H Hamilton Mills handed over to Chairman by Mr Whittingham.
Through traffic for year ended September 1909 £368 0s 2d. £383 10s 14d average of last three years. Decrease of £65 13 9d. No payment due under Section 46 Thames & Severn Canal Trust Act 1875.

Verbatim text

[1910 February] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 16^th day of February 1910 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans Chairman, Walter J Stanton, W H Marling, W^m Davies, F S Whittingham.
[Minutes] The Minutes of the previous Committee were read and confirmed.
[Clerk's report] The Clerk reported that:
1 He had written to the County Surveyor as follows respecting the silting up of Canal.
Jan 22 1910
Dear Sir,
With reference to your letter of the 6^th Nov last with regard to the Stroudwater Navigation Company's claim for £7..17..6 I am instructed by the Committee to inform you that they adhere to their claim, being advised that the County Council are legally liable for the amount mentioned. At the same time, while putting this fact on record, the Committee to not propose to press their claim further in the present instance, the amount involved being small, unless the same thing occurs again.
I have to ask that in future every care may be taken on the part of the County Council to prevent road drift from being washed into the Company's Canal.
I am, dear Sir
Yours faithfully
W^m James Snape
E S Sinnott Ese C E
County Surveyor
Shire Hall
This letter has been acknowledged and it would be placed before the next Highways Committee.
2 The Stroud Urban District Council had written agreeing to the terms last proposed by the Stroudwater Navigation but suggesting it would be unfair to make them take up the pipes again at any time. The Clerk was instructed to inform them that while it was highly improbable they would ever be called on to remove them it was necessary to insert powers to give either 6 or 12 months notice in the agreement.
3 Charles Henry White Framilode was in arrears with his rent since Michaelmas last. The Clerk was desired to see White and tell him he must pay at once and if ye does not and there is property sufficient to distrain upon then to proceed to the necessary action.
4 Mr Whiting had been depositing Railway borne coal on the Wharf at Eastington rented by him from the Navigation. The Clerk was instructed to see Whiting & tell him this cannot be permitted and to endeavour to persuade him to have his coal by water in future.
[Chairman reported Messrs Apperly Curtis & C^o re land at Dudbridge] The Chairman reported that in company with Sir W H Marling Bart and the Clerk he had visited the land at Dudbridge Wharf which Mesrs Apperly Curtis & C^o wished to buy and that a sale had been arranged at the rate of 3/- per sq yard for 37 sq yards - £5..11..0.
[Key to Seal Box] The key of the Seal Box formerly held by Mr H Hamilton Mills was produced by Mr Whittingham and handed over to the Chairman.
[T&S Canal A/c] The Clerk reported the result of the Statement he had been instructed to prepare, in response to the requirement of the County Council (under Sec 43 of the Thames and Severn Canal Trust Act 1895) as to the through traffic for the year ended September 1909.
It appeared that £386..0..2 was the amount of such through traffic for that year and £383..10..4 the average of the three years last past. The latter figure compared with the average for the three years ended Sept 1894 (£449..4..1) showed a decrease of £65..13..9 and therefore no payment due under the section 46 Thames and Severn Canal Trust Act 1895.
{£150 Cheque T&S Canal] A Cheque was signed for the £150..- due to the County Council on the Thames and Severn Canal Q/d under the Act (1895) to September 30^th 1909.

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