Minutes Wed 20 Jul 1910

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Wed 20 Jul 1910


Fras Law and Wm Harris of Eastington prosecuted for fish poaching in canal at Whitminster. Fined £1 each.
White, tenant of cottage at Framilode, paid £1 on account of rent due 24 June. Notice to leave at Michaelmas.
Reports of annual inspection read.
Swing bridge at Ryeford under construction.
Mr E P Little raised point whether Navigation willing to sell two cottages near Gas Works. Well to do so if terms agreed.
Messrs Apperly Curtis & C. applied to put in a doorway from towpath to property at Dudbridge. Agreed on payment of small acknowledgment.
Catherine Pruen Clutterbuck claimed share no.20, will of Mary Francis Clutterbuck.

Verbatim text

[1910 July] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 20^th day of July 1910 @ 3.30pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, Edward P Little, Watler J Stanton, W H Marling, F A Little, F S Whittingham, W^m Davies, Henry R Hooper.
[Mid R Co re Mud Tip] Further correspondence with the Midland Railway Company respecting the Culvert at the Stonehosue Mud Tip was read and a further reply from the Estate Office of the Company was awaited.
[Netting Whitminster] The Clerk reported that Fras Law and W^m Harris of Eastington had been prosecuted for fish poaching in the Canal at Whitminster and fined £1 each.
[Framilode Cottage] It was stated that White - Tenant of Cottage at Framilode - had paid "1..0..0 on A/c of Rent due 24^th June & had given notice to leave at Michaelmas.
[Inspection of Canal] The Reports were read of Annual Inspection of Canal by Messrs Davies & Whittingham as to the section from Eastington to Wallbridge and by Messrs F A Little and S S Marling of the lower portion and those gentlemen were thanked for their services.
[Ryeford Swing Bridge] The Clerk reported that the Swing Bridge at Ryeford was now under construction.
[Next Meeting] On the proposition of the Chairman seconded by Mr F A Little the next Committee Meeting was fixed for September 21^st.
[Cottages Downfield] Mr E P Little raised the point as to whether the Navigation would be willing to sell the two Cottages near the Gas Works to the Gas Company and it was considered well to do so if terms could be agreed on.
[Messrs Apperly Curtis & Co re Doorway Dudbridge] Messrs Apperly Curtis & C^o had applied for leave to put in a doorway from towpath to their recently acquired property at Dudbridge which was agreed to on payment of a small acknowledgement and a suitable agreement being made.
[Balance C^d] The credit balance at Bankers was stated to be over £391.
[Claim of Share N^o 20] Edward Palling Little of Stroud in the County of Gloucester, Solicitor, attended under a written authority from Catherine Pruen Clutterbuck of S^t Mary's Chalford, Minchinhampton in the County of Gloucester, Spinster, being the Executrix (but for life only) of the Will and Codicil of Mary Frances Clutterbuck late of S^t Mary's Chalford aforesaid Spinster deceased who died on the 9^th day of April 1910 and who at the time of her death held one share in the Company of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation No 20 now standing in the name of the said Mary Frances Clutterbuck aforesaid deceased in the Books of the said Company and made out her claim by producing the ticket or title to the said one share and the Probate of the Will of the said Mary Frances Clutterbuck the said Will bearing date the 17^th day of August 1908 with the Codicil bearing date the 21^st day of November 1908 and proved by the said Executrix in the principal Probate Registry of His Majestys High Court of Justice on the 14^th day of June 1910 and the claim was admitted accordingly and a new ticket or title ordered to be made out on the ticket or title of the said share being delivered up.

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