Minutes Wed 21 Sep 1910

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Wed 21 Sep 1910


C H White had paid his rent to 24 June last and given notice to leave on 29th inst. Question of offering two cottages at Downfield to Gas Company considered. Chairman to meet Mr E P Little on the spot.
Correspondence with Midland Railway Co re mud tip.
Messrs Apperly Curtis & Co. had decided not to put a doorway in wall at Dudbridge Wharf.
Messrs Smith & Sons Ltd desired to give up Ship Inn. Ten years of lease unexpired. Committee unable to break lease.
Forms for Returns of Values of land for purposes of Finance Act 1910 received. Extension of time to 14 October asked for and granted.
Death of Edward Hill, for many years inspector of canal. Arrangements proposed for his duties in future.
Cheltenham Billposting Co three months in arrears with rent. Mr Whittingham to write insisting on immediate payment of £6 10s due at Midsummer.
Credit balance £497 14s 8d. Traffic returns 1 April £450 against £425 in same period 1909.
Arthur Capel Molyneux Croome and Ethel Nora Mercer claimed share no.46, will of Eleanora Maria Croome.

Verbatim text

[1910 Sept] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^st day of September 1910 @ 3.30pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, Edward P Little, W^m Davies, J R Morton Ball, Jack Margetson, F S Whittingham, W H Marling.
[C H White Cottage at Framilode] The Clerk reported that C H White had paid his rent to 24^th June last and given notice to leave on the 29^th inst (Sept 29 2910) also that the various recommendations of the Members of Committee who made the Annual Inspection had for the most part been carried out and others would shortly be completed.
[Cottage at Downfield] The question of offering two cottages at Downfield to the Gas Company who were wishful to purchase them was considered and the Chairman was desired to see Mr E P Little on the spot and deal with the matter if possible.
[Midland Railway C^o Mud Tip Stonehouse] Further correspondence with the Midland Railway Company re Mud Tip was read but it was decided to do nothing more in the matter at present.
[Messrs Apperly Curtis & C^o Doorway at Dudbridge] A letter was read from Messrs Apperly Curtis & C^o who had decided not to put a doorway in wall at Dudbridge Wharf for which permission had been asked previously.
[Ship Inn Wallbridge] A letter was read from Messrs Smith & Sons Ltd, re the Ship Inn which they were desirous of giving up - there being still about 10 years of the lease unexpired. The Clerk was instructed to write Messrs Smith & Sons that the Committee were unable to break the lease.
[Land Values] Forms for Returns of Values of Land for the purpose of the Finance Act 1910 had been received and extension of time to 14^th October been asked for and granted. Mr Whittingham undertook to see to the filling in of same.
[Edward Hill] The Chairman reported the death of Edward Hill for many years Inspector of the Canal and the arrangement proposed for dealing with his duties in future.
[Cheltenham Billposting C^o re Rent] The Cheltenham Billposting Company being three months in arrears with their Rent and repeated application by the Clerk having been ignored Mr Whittingham was desired to write insisting on immediate payment of the £6..10..0 due at Midsummer.
[Credit Balance] The credit balance at Bank was £497..14..8.
[Traffic] The Traffic Returns since Ap 1 were reported to be £450 against £425 for corresponding period of last year.
[Claim for Share N^o 46] John Raymond Morton Ball of Stroud in the County of Gloucester Solicitor attended under a written authority form Arthur Capel Molyneux Croome of N^o 86 S^t Georges Road Pimlico W and Ethel Nora Mercer wife of John Barnard Mercer of Cobham in the County of Surrey being the executors of the Will of Eleanora Maria Croome late of N^o 7 S^t Albans Mansion Kensington Court in the County of Middlesex Widow deceased (who died on the 27^th day of November 1909 and who at the time of her death held one share in the Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation N^o 46 now standing in the name of Eleanora Maria Croome Charles Henry Hooper and Edward Francis Gedge (deceased) in the Books of the said Company and made out their claim by producing the ticket or title of the said one share and the probate of the Will of the said Eleanora Maria Croome the said Will bearing date the 12^th day of April 1907 & proved by the said Executors in the principal Probate Registry of His Majestys High Court of Justice on the 31^st day of March 1910 and the claim was admitted accordingly and a new ticket or title ordered to be made out on the ticket or title of the said Share being delivered up.

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