Wed 21 Dec 1910
No applications for empty cottage at Framilode.
Clerk to send Inland Revenue names of Valuation Officers who had sent in forms for Land Valuation, as recommended by Canal Association.
Mr E P Little stated that Stroud Gas Co had decided to purchase two cottages at Downfield for £475.
Richard Pockett, lock keeper and tidesman at Framilode, died 25 November. 22 years service. James Harris, formerly servant of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co, to take his place. Widow of Richard Pockett wished to rent house at Framilode. Reduced rent of 2s per week.
After recent flooding stop gate at Framilode had stood well. To be overhauled when tides had gone down. Quantity of sand in lock.
Much damage done to towing path east of Saul Bridge. Men sent down with piles, slabbing and ashes to repair same.
Rubbish washed into canal near Ebley Saw Mills stopped traffic. Clerk had to hire T&S Canal dredger to remove same.
Barge Elizabeth and tow boat removed from Framilode Basin.
Roadway repaired over Nut Shell, Stonehouse and Ebley Bridges.
Plan from County Surveyor’s office of proposed alteration of Eastington Bridge. Modification suggested by Chairman approved.
Traffic since 1 October up to 18 December showed 8 per cent increase over same period last five years.
[1910 Dec] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^st day of December 1910 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: F A Little, Henry R Hooper, E P Little, F S Whittingham, A J Morton Ball, W H Marling, Philip Jas Evans, J R Morton Ball.
[Minutes] The Minutes of last Committee Meeting were read and confirmed.
[Clerks Report] The Clerk reported that no application had come in for the empty cottage at Framilode.
[Canal Association] Mr Whittingham reported that a further letter from the Canal Association had been received and considered by him, and the Clerk was instructed to send the Inland Revenue Commissioners the names of the Valuation Officers who had sent in Forms for Land Valuation as recommended by the Canal Assocation.
[Downfield Cottages] Mr E P Little stated that the Stroud Gas C^o had decided to purchase the two cottages at Downfield for £475 - the price asked by the Committee - and would be prepared to complete at the half quarter during Feb next, and Mr Whittingham was instructed to prepare abstract of Title accordingly.
[R Pockett] The Clerk reported that Richard Pockett - Lock keeper & Tidesman at Framilode had died on Nov 25^th after 22 years service under the Navigation, and that he had engaged James Harris formerly a servant of the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal to take his place. It was decided that if the Widow of Richard Pockett wished (as it was thought) to rent the house now empty at Framilode it should be offered to her at the reduced rent of 2/- per week.
[Clerks Report] The Clerk reported that:-
1 After the recent flooding the Stop Gate at Framilode had stood well but he would be having it overhauled when the Tides had gone down.
2 There was a quantity of sand in the lock.
3 Much damage had been done to towing path east of Saul Bridge, me had been sent down with piles, slabbing and ashes to repair the same.
4 A quantity of rubbish had been washed into the Cnal near Ebley Saw Mills which stopped the traffic and he had to hire Thames and Severn Canal hand dredger to remover same.
5 The Barge Elizabeth & Tow boat were removed from Framilode Basin.
6 Roadway repaired over 'Nut Shell' Stonehouse and Ebley Bridges.
The plan from the County Surveyor's Office of proposed alteration of Eastington Bridge was produced and considered, and the modification suggested by the Chairman approved.
The Clerk reported that the Traffic since October 1^st and up to December 18^th shewed 8 per cent increase over same period last year and was the highest during the last five years.
The credit balance at Bank was shown to be £374..14..2 as compared with £336..13..1 at the end of Dec 1909.