Minutes Wed 18 Jan 1911

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Wed 18 Jan 1911


List of local Land Valuation Officers sent to Inland Revenue Office.
Mrs Pockett had taken vacant cottage at Framilode. 2s per week reduced rent following recent floods. Repairs including reflooring of kitchen with 9 inch squares.
Repairs to stop gate at Framilode. Large stone jambed(sic) between gate and cill. Accident on purpose. Very large quantities of sand deposited on pier by high tides during recent floods. Serious damage to banks and towpaths.
Letter from Rev Francis Teesdale re gorse plants he was desired to remove from canal bank. To remain on payment of 1s per annum.
Formal notice to terminate tenancy of walls received from Cheltenham Billposting Co.
Proposal from Mr G W Sibly asking for decision to allow a numbers of pleasure boats built by his pupils, not exceeding 11, to be placed on canal. With four boats already in use, payment of £2 per annum made. Total of 15 boats for inclusive charge of £5 per annum. One month’s notice of termination on either side.
Letter from Saul Parish Council. Mr Snape met some members and offered to lend them use of Navigation boat free and of men to carry out raising of banks. Saul Council to pay wages.
Traffic return 1 October to 17 January. Tolls on tonnage £305 as against £256 1910. Highest since 1905.

Verbatim text

[1911 Jany] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18^th day of January 1911 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: F A Little, W H Marling, Edward P Little, Henry R Hooper, W^m Davies, Walter J Stanton, Philip Jas Evans, F S Whittingham.
[Minutes] The minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.
[Clerks Report] The Clerk reproted:-
1 The list of Local Land Valuation Officers had been sent to the Inland Revenue Office as requested.
2 Mrs Pockett had taken the vacant Cottage at Framilode at 2/- per week reduced Rent and that it was necessary in consequence of recent floods to do certain repairs including the reflooring of the Kitchen with 9" squares before the house could be occupied - which the Committee sanctioned.
3 It had been found necessary to carry out some considerable repairs to the Stop Gate at Framilode in consequence of a large stone having got jambed between the gate and the sill but it was not known how the stone got there whether by accident of of purpose.
4 Very large quantities of sand had been deposited on the Pier by the high tides during recent floods and serious damage to the banks and towpaths had been done at the same time.
[Rev Teesdale Gorse plants] A letter from the Rev Francis Teesdale was read respecting the Gorse plants he had been desired to remove from the Canal Bank and it was decided subject to the acquiescence of the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal to offer Mr Teesdale to allow them to remain on payment of 1/- per annum acknowledgement.
[Cheltenham Billposting C^o] Formal six months notice to terminate the Tenancy of Walls had been received from the Cheltenham Billposting Coy.
[Mr G W Sibly Boats on Canal] A proposal from Mr G W Sibly was discussed and it was decided to allow any number of Pleasure Boats built by his pupils not exceeding eleven to be placed on the Canal which together with four boats already in use (for which a paymnet of £2..- per annum is made) making a total of 15 boats for an inclusive charge of £5..- per annum terminable at the end of the year by one months previous notice on either side and Mr Snape was instructed to write to Mr Sibly to this effect.
[Saul Parish Council] A letter was read from the Saul Parish Council and Mr Snape reported that he had met some members of the Council and offered to lend them the use of his Navigations Boat free and of men to carry out the desired raising of the banks on condition the Saul Council paid their wages.
[T&S Canal A/cs] The Clerk produced Statement of A/cs and Balance Sheet of the Thames and Severn Canal for the year ended the 30^th September 1910. The amount of tolls received by this Company in respect of through traffic over the Stroudwater Canal to and from the Thames and Severn Canal for the year ended the 30^th Sept 1910 will now be ascertained in compliance with Sec 43 of the Thames and Severn Canal Trust Act 1895.
[Bank Balance] The Bank pass Book was examined and there was a balance of £464 in hand as compared with about £425 at this date last year.
[Traffic Return] The Traffic Return shewed that from October 1^st to January 17 the tolls on tonnage carried was £305 as against £256 in corresponding period a year ago and was the highest since the year 1905.

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