Wed 15 Feb 1911
Correspondence re Land Valuation.
Officials of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co objected to gorse plants, placed by Rev F Teesdale on canal, being allowed to remain.
No response from Mr G W Sibly re pleasure boats at Stonehouse or from Parish Council of Saul re canal banks.
For year ended September 1910 £403 10s 5d through traffic and £373 18s 10d average of last three years. Decrease of £75 5s 3d.
Repairs to cottage at Framilode completed, also reparation banks and towing paths made necessary by late floods.
Prospect of increase in use of water borne stone for County highways and in Stroud Urban District Council area.
Conveyance of two cottages at Downfield to Stroud Gas Co for £475.
Credit Balance £542 3s 5d.
[1911 Feby] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 15^th day of February 1911 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, Edward P Little, W H Marling, F S Whittingham, Jack Margetson, J R Morton Ball, Walter J Stanton.
[Land Valuation] Mr Whittingham produced correspondence with respect to Land Valuation and the Clerk was instructed to reply to the Government Department in accordance with his (Mr Whittinghams) suggestion.
[Rev Teesdale Whitminster] Mr Snape reported 1 Tha the Officials of the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal objected to the Gorse plants, which had been placed by Rev F Teesdale on the Canal Bank at Whitminster being allowed to remain and a letter was read in which Mr Teesdale stated that he had removed them.
[Mr Sibly boats on Canal] 2 That nothing had been heard since the last meeting from Mr G W Sibly respecting the pleasure boats at Stonehouse.
or from the Parish Council of Saul concerning the Canal Banks at that place.
[T&S Canal (Act 1895) Traffic Return] 3 As the result of the Statement he had been instructed to prepare, in response to the requirement of the County Council (under Sec 43 of the Thames and Severn Canal Trust Act 1895) as to the through traffic for the year ended September 1910, it appeared that £403..10..5 was the amount of such through traffic for that year and £373..18..10 the average of the three years last past. The latter figure compared with the average of the three years ended September 1894 (£449..4..1) showed a decrease of £75..5..3 and therefore no payment was due under the Section 46 Thames and Severn Canal Trust Act 1895.
[Cottage at Framilode] 4 That the Repairs decided on to the Cottage at Framilode had been completed and also the reparation of banks and towing path rendered necessary by the late floods.
[County Surveyor] 5 That he had been in further communication with the County Surveyor respecting the use of water borne stone on the County Highways and in the Stroud Urban District Council area and there was every prospect of increased traffic in this way in the future.
[Downfield Sale of Cottages] The conveyance of two Cottages at Downfield to the Stroud Gas Company for £475 was produced & the seal of this Company duly affixed and attested.
Mr Whittingham was requested on receiving the purchase money to deposit the same with the Chancery Lane Safe Deposit & Offices C^o Ltd.
[Bank Balance] The Bank pass Book was examined & there was shewn credit balance of £542..3..5 compared with £494..10..6 at corresponding period last year.
[Traffic] The traffic was found to be maintaining its increase over this time last year.