Minutes Wed 15 Mar 1911

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Wed 15 Mar 1911


Cheltenham Billposting Co Ltd to continue to rent for wall space for £7 p.a.
Saul Parish Council to raise canal bank from weir in Framilode Pound to withy bed near Junction, at own expense.
Postmaster at Gloucester given permission to fix a wall letter box in Company’s wall at Framilode.
Proposed Telegraph Construction Bill would interfere with existing rights of Company and payments to it by National Telephone Co. £3 3s contribution to fund for opposing provisions in Bill objected to.
Rough estimate of traffic, commencement of half year to 13 March £489 against £472 1909/10 and £443 in 1908/09.

Verbatim text

[1911 March] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 15^th day of March 1911 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: W H Marling, Edward P Little, Philip Jas Evans, Jack Margetson, F S Whittingham, F A Little, W^m Davies, Henry R Hooper, Walter J Stanton, A J Morton Ball.
[Land Values] The Clerk put in letter received respecting Land Values from the Local District Valuer and was doing the needful in the matter - Ordnance maps shewing the Canal property had been coloured to show Boundaries and returned to the Official before mentioned.
[T&S Canal] A Cheque was signed for the £150..- due to the County Council on account of the Thames and Severn Canal to Sept 30^th 1910 under the Act of 1895.
The Clerk reported that:
[Downfield Cottages] 1 The Stroud Gas Company had paid the purchase money (£475) of the two cottages at Downfield recently bought by them of the Navigation and the same had bee place pro tem, with the Chancery Lane Safe Deposit & Office C^o Ltd, and it was left to the Chairman and Mr Whittingham to invest the sum of £600:- as further Reserve the income of which was to be brought into Revenue A/c.
[Cheltenham Billposting C^o] 2 The Cheltenham Billposting Coy Ltd had offered to continue to rent the Wallspace for Billposting if they could have it for seven pounds per annum payable in advance as to which it was agreed to let the same for one year at the specified Rental.
[Saul Parish Council] 3 The Saul Parish Council had taken in hand the raising of the Canal bank - from the Weir in Framilode Pound to the 'Withy Bed' near the Junction - at their own expense.
[Wall Letter Box Framilode] 4 The Post Master at Gloucester had applied for permission to fix a 'Wall Letter Box' in the Company's Wall at Framilode and the Committee agreed to this being done, the post office to make good any damage and to remove when called upon.
[Canal Association] Correspondence with the Canal Association was produced referring among other things to a proposed Telegraph Construction Bill which it was considered would interfere with existing rights of the Company and payments thereto by the National Telephone C^o and it was agreed to offer to contribute £3..3..0 to the fund for the purpose of opposing the provisions in the Bill objected to.
[Traffic] The Clerk provided a rough estimate of the Traffic to 13^th March from the commencement of the present half year which shewed £489 against £472 for the same period in 1909/10 and £443 in 1908/9.
[Bank Balance] The Bank pass Book shewed a Credit Balance of £360 against £208 at same time last year.
[Next Meeting] Ordered that the next Committee be held on Wednesday the 19^th day of April @ 3.30pm and the General Half Yearly Meeting on the same day at 4 o'clock pm.

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