Minutes Wed 20 Sep 1911

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Wed 20 Sep 1911


Mr Vowles’ offer to pay £5 towards £12 cost of bridge repair, Upper Mills, Stonehouse. Committee preferred new bridge.
Cost of work completed at Eastington Dock house £7 10s 7d.
Floor of dairy at Framilode raised, £2 10s. Water raised nine inches.
Middle gates of Double Locks replanked. Back boards fixed to top gates.
Messrs Brunsdon at Ryeford to place wagons on canal wharf. No traction engines.
Double Locks cottage and lean-to at back repairs.
National Telephone Co paid balance owing.
Traffic 1 April to date £460, 1910 £468, 1909 £477, 1908 £390.

Verbatim text

[1911 Sept] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 20^th day of September 1911 @ 3 o.clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, W^m Davies, Edward P Little, W H Marling, A J Morton Ball, F S Whittingham, F A Little, Walter J Stanton.
[Swing Bridge Stonehouse] Mr Snape reported the interview he had had with Mr Vowles as to repair or reconstruction of the Swing Bridge leading to the Upper Mills Stonehouse when Mr Vowles offered to pay £5 toward the cost of repairing the bridge or £12 if it were rebuilt and the matter was left in the Chairman's hands the Committee preferring that a new bridge should be placed rather than the bridge be repaired providing Mr Vowles will contribute a sufficient sum.
[Repairs Eastington] Mr Snape also reported the completion of the work ordered to be done at Eastington Dock House at a cost in all of £7..10..7 and further that the floor of the Dairy in the premises occupied by Mr Pockett at Framilode had with the consent of the Owner been raised at a cost of £2..10..0, thus enabling the water to be raised nine inches in the level of that pound.
[Double Locks] The Middle gates of the Double Locks had been replanked and back boards fixed to the top gates to strengthen them until new gates can be put in next spring.
[Wharfage Ryeford Messrs Brunsdon] Messrs Brunsdon at Ryeford having requested permission to use the Canal Wharf there for placing their wagons on for which they were willing to pay a charge. The Committee were of opinion this might be considered provided no Traction Engines were brought on to the ground and the Chairman undertook to see Messrs Brunsdon and arrange if possible.
[Double Locks] It was stated by the Clerk that the Double Lock Cottage needed repairing and the lean to at the back of same and the Chairman was requested to inspect the place with Mr Snape and order what was needful.
[Nat Tel C^o] The National Telephone C^o after considerable correspondence has recently paid the balance owing by them.
[Traffic] The Traffic from April 1^st last to date was shown to amount to £460 comparing with £468 in 1910, £477 in 1909 & £390 in 1908 for same period.
[Balance at Bank] The Bank balance was £242..16..3 to the Credit of the Navigation.
[Next Meeting] On the proposition of the Chairman seconded by Mr E P Little it was ordered that the next Committee Meeting be held on Wednesday the 18^th day of October @ 3.30pm and the General Half Yearly Meeting on the same day @ 4 o'clock pm.

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