Wed 20 Dec 1911
Mr Brunsdon refused to pay wharfage charge for wagons on Ryeford Wharf. Removed all but one under repair.
Messrs Godsell & Sons carried out alterations to prevent overflow on Company land. Nothing from Mr Truscott.
Stroud Urban District Council proposed to lay sewer pipe near entrance gates at Dudbridge Wharf. Mr Whittingham to write to Mr Witchell, Clerk, re payment of compensation and repair of damage.
Damage to canal banks at Ryeford by pigs and cattle. Owner of land, Dr Perkins of Sketty, R S O Glamorgan. Matter referred to Messrs Ball, Smith & Playne of Stroud.
Letter from Mr Barrett Cooke.
Appointment of Mr P J Evans, Company’s representative on Gloucester Harbour Board.
T&S Canal balance sheet to 30 September 1911 received.
[1911 Dec] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 20^th day of December 1911 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Edward P Little, F S Whittingham, Walter J Stanton, W H Marling, F A Little, A J Morton Ball.
[Clerk's Report] The Clerk reported that:-
[Stonehouse Swing Bridge] 1 The repairs to the Swing Bridge at Stonehouse had been completed and that Messrs Vowles & Sons Ltd had paid £5..- towards the same as arranged.
[Ryeford Wharf] 2 Mr Brunsdon having refused to pay a Wharfage charge for waggons on Ryeford Wharf had removed all but one which was under repair.
[Ditch at Newtown] 3 Respecting the Ditch at Newtown Messrs Godsell & Sons has written to say that they had carried out such alterations as will prevent any overflow over the land of this Company, but the Clerk had not heard anything from Mr Truscott.
[Stroud UDC] 4 A Notice from the Stroud Urban District Council as to a sewer pipe which they proposed to lay near the entrance gates at Dudbridge Wharf was produced and Mr Whittingham undertook to write to Mr Witchell, their Clerk, on the matter as to payment of compensation and repair of any damage that might be sustained.
[Canal bank at Ryeford] 5 Damage had been done to the Canal banks at Ryeford by Pigs and Cattle and that he had written to the owner of the land, D^r Perkins of Sketty R S O Glamorgan, who had replied stating that he had refereed the matter to Messrs Ball, Smith & Playne of Stoud.
[Gloucester Harbour Board] 6 He had received a letter from Mr Barrett Cooke acknowledging the appointment of Mr P J Evans as this Company's representative on the Gloucester Harbour Board.
[T&S Canal] The Clerk produced the Statement of A/c and Balance Sheet of the Thames and Severn Canal for the year ended the 30^th September 1911.
The amount of tolls received by this Company in respect of through traffic over the Stroudwater Navigation to and from the Thames and Severn Canal for the year ended the 30^th September 1911 will now be ascertained in compliance with sec 43 of the Thames and Severn Canal Trust Act 1895.