Minutes Wed 17 Jan 1912

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Wed 17 Jan 1912


Messrs Vowles had not yet tested repaired and strengthened swing bridge at Stonehouse with dead weights.
No nuisance at Newtown from sewage entering ditch.
No repairs so far to offside of canal at Ryeford, damaged by pigs and cattle.
Cost to County in working T&S Canal year ending 25 March 1913 not to exceed £640. By operation of sinking fund reduced to about £500.

Verbatim text

[1912 Jan] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 17^th day of January 1912 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, Edward P Little, W^m Davies, A J Morton Ball, Walter J Stanton, F A Little.
[Mr Whittingham & Mr Snape] M^r Whittingham and Mr Snape were unwell & absent and the Committee expressed their sympathy.
[Swing Bridge at Stonehouse] It was stated that Messrs Vowles had telephoned that they had not yet tested the repaired and strengthened Swing Bridge at Stonehouse with dead weights.
[Ditch at Newtown] The lock-keeper at Eastington had written there was now no nuisance arising at Newtown from sewage entering the ditch there as formerly. And he further reported that no repairs to the offside of the Canal at Reyford (which had been damage by Cattle & Pigs) had been carried out so far.
[Proposed Sewer at Dudbridge] Copy of letter to Stroud Urban District Council from Messrs Little & Whittingham - relating to the proposed laying of pipes across Dudbridge Wharf was read and an acknowledgement had been received stating the matter would be brought before the Council in due course.
[Cheltenam Billposting Co] A letter was produced which had been received from the Cheltenham Billposting C^o promising that the A/c should be attended to at their next Directors Meeting.
[Bank] The bank balance to Credit was £438..1..9.
[Traffic] The traffic report had not been got owing to the illness of Mr Snape.
[T&S Canal] The Chairman reported for the information of the Committee that Estimates had been prepared for the County Council of how far expenses could be reduced in the working of the Thames & Severn Canal and it was expected that for the year ending Mach 25^th 1913 the cost to the County would not exceed som £640..- net deficit and by the operation of the sinking Fund this could soon be reduced to about £500..-.

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