Minutes Wed 20 Mar 1912

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Wed 20 Mar 1912


Mr Snape’s recovery from serious illness.
Manager had written to Dr Perkin’s company to repair damage by cattle and pigs and charge cost to owner.
Tonnage rate on resin to Staffords’ Mills by Severn & Canal Carrying Co not reduced but paid.
Revised estimates for oak timber for Saul Bridge. Less than former figures.
Towing path closures: Wording drafted for written requests to pass along towing path.
Angling licences: Messrs Davis & Son of Gloucester and Clerk of Conservators for Severn Fishery District in discussions. Mr Davis to act as agent for licences. Fee 2s 6d p.a. Commission of 4d each paid by them.
Licence granted to the Olde Atlas Angling Association, £1 p.a.
Tolls to October £500. 1911 £504. But for coal strike figures considerably higher.
Use of canal for stone for roads increasing.
Credit balance £403 8s 6d. 1911 £372.

Verbatim text

[1912 March] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 20^th day of March 1912 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: W H Marling, Edward P Little, F S Whittingham, Philip Jas Evans, W^m Davies, Jack Margetson, Walter J Stanton.
[Mr Snape attends Meeting] The Chairman expressed the pleasure of the Committee at the presence of Mr Snape for the first time since his very serious illness and congratulated him on his recovery.
[Canal Bank at Ryeford] The Manager reported that he had written D^r Perkins suggesting that the Company would be willing to undertake the repair of the damage done at Ryeford by cattle & pigs and charge the cost to the owner but he had received no reply.
[Messrs Bailey & C^o re Tolls Chairmans Report] The Chairman reported that he had been in communication with Messrs Bailey respecting the reduction in tonnage rate requested by the Severn & Canal Carrying C^o on Resin to Stafford's Mills and correspondence as to same was produced and read. The Navigation has declined to reduce the rate and it had been paid.
[Estimate for Oak Timber] Revised Estimates for Oak Timber, etc, for Saul Bridge were produced and considered - being very considerably less than the former figures; and were agreed to.
[Closing Canal Towing Path] The Clerk reported that with the consent of the Chairman the dates for closing the Towing Path to the Public had been made earlier than was arranged at the last Committee and printed notice has been posted. Mr Whittingham had drafted a wording for written requests to be signed by any parties who wished to pass along the Towing path during the Stoppage.
[Angling] The question of Angling Licences was discussed in consequence of correspondence which had passed between Messrs Davis & Son of Gloucester & The Clerk to the Conservators for the Severn Fishery District and it had been arranged by the Manager for Messrs Davis to act as agent for Licences at the usual fee of 2^s/6^d per annum - a commission of 4^d each to be paid on them.
[Angling] An application for a License to be granted to the Olde Atlas Angling Associaion was considered & it was agreed to charge them £1..- a year as in the cases of two other Fishing Clubs.
[Glos C C £150 re T&S Canal] The £150..- due as the yearly contribution to the deficit on the Thames & Severn Canal was ordered to be paid.
[Tolls] The Clerk reported the Tolls up to date since October to be £500:- against £504 for similar period last year and pointed out that but for the Coal Strike the figures would have been considerably higher & that the use of the Canal for stone for the Road was increasing & promised well for the future.
[Bank Credit Balance] The Bank pass Book was produced & the Credit balance was shewn to be £403..8..6 (after paying the £150..- to the County Council and another Cheque) as compared with £372..- at the same date last year.
[Next Meeting] Ordered that the next Committee Meeting be held on the 24^th day of April next and the General Half Yearly Meeting on the same day @ 4 o'clock pm.

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