Minutes Wed 23 Oct 1912

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Wed 23 Oct 1912


Continuation from page 213 https://stroudwaterhistory.org.uk/document/6352/.
County losing nothing by keeping canal open. Itemised estimate of cost £1859.
Trading accounts for past half year read and compared.

Verbatim text

[From page 211]
[T&S Canal] can be kept at my estimate the County will certainly be losing nothing in keeping the Canal open.
The sinking fund is merely the repayment of debt.
Yours faithfully
(signed) P J Evans.
D^d £ s d
Rent Rates and Taxes: 154..13..2
Fire Insurance & Workpeoples Compensation: 14..18..3
Materials, say: 100..0..0
Wages, say: 532..8..0
Salaries: £182..0..0
Auditors, say: 5..5..0
General Exes, say: 20..0..0
Maintenance of Buildings: 50..0..0
Stationery: 15..0..0
[Subtotal] 1074..4..5
Interest, say: 600..0..0 for present year
[Subtotal] 1674..4..5
Balance: 184..15..7 towards sinking fund.
[Total] 1859..0..0
C^d £ s d
Tonnages: 170..0..0
Rents: 489..0..0
[Subtotal] £659..0..0
Public Bodies & Navigations: 1200..0..0
[Total] 1859..0..0
Memo: (a) the amount of interest decreases yearly, it was £916 in 1906. (b) the amount estimated for wages includes £124..16..0 for men on Canal between Chalford and Inglesham. If this be taken out of the C^D balance woudl be over £300..-. (c) Above includes receipts and payments for rents, rates and taxes over the whole length of Canal, but these receipts over the upper part about equalize the payments on the same so it makes no practical difference.
[Trading A/c] The Trading A/cs for the past Half Year were read and compared with previous Half Years the Auditor Mr Dudbridge being present and it was agreed to recommend a Dividend of 20^s/- per share for the Half Year ending 30^th September on the proposal of the Chairman seconded by M^r Edward P Little.

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