Minutes Wed 19 Mar 1913

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Wed 19 Mar 1913


Telephone poles, struts and stays on Company’s property reviewed. Question as to whether wires just passing over properties at wharfs should be charged. Matter referred to Head Office at Cardiff.
Messrs Smith & Bingham told Navigation could not sanction their passing heavy traffic over Oil Mills Bridge. Their responsibility if anything happened. No reply.
Mill owners complained of difficulty getting coal from Forest of Dean by water. Larger foreign steamers loaded in preference.
Mr Kenworthy of Sheepscombe to pay larger proportion of Company’s demand.
Stonehouse Wharf, notice prepared. ‘No Road to the Railway Siding’.
Accident to employee of Messrs Abdela Mitchell & Co. Company had lent them use of crane to lift a boiler. Correspondence with Inspector of Factories as to fencing of the cogwheels. Mr Snape to carry out recommendations.
Accident to Alfred Bassett, Company servant, at Lodgemore Bridge. Insurance company notified.
Repair of Gas House Bridge. Short time since last redecked noted. Necessary to proceed with repair. Part of cost with Company, remainder borne by Gas Co. Good hard slow grown larch would last as long as the oak last used and far cheaper.
Traffic 1 October to 17 March £540. Compared well with £506 1 October 1911 – 31 March 1912, though longer period of fortnight.

Verbatim text

[Mar 1913] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 19^th day of March 1913 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, Edward P Little W H Marling, F S Whittingham, Walter J Stanton, F A Little.
[Telephones] The Manager reported that he had had another interview with the Government Official respecting the number of telephone poles struts and stays on the Company's property and it was now agreed upon but the point had arisen whether the Department were called on to pay in the instances where the wires merely crossed over land of the Company as at the Office garden, the Dudbidge Wharf and the Wharf at Wallbridge - and the matter had been referred to the Head Office in Cardiff.
[Oils Mill Bridge] A letter had been sent to Messrs Smith & Bingham warning them that the Navigation could not sanction their passing heavy traffic over the Oil Mills Bridge and that the responsibility would rest with them if anything happened in consequence of their doing so. To this no reply had been - so far - received.
[Coal loading at Sharpness] Letters were produced and read from various Mill Owners complaining of the difficulty of getting coal from Dean Forest by water in consequence of large foreign steamers being loaded in preference.
[Gas House Bridge] Further correspondence had taken place with Mr Kenworthy of Shepscombe in which he had offered to pay a somewhat larger proportion of the Company's demand that previously and it was decided to accept the same.
[Stonehouse Wharf] The position at Stonehouse Wharf was considered and the plans inspected and Mr Snape produced the Notice which had been prepared worded "No Road to the Railway Siding".
[Crane at Dudbridge] An accident having happened to an Employee of Messrs Abdela Mitchell & C^o to whom the Company had lent the use of their crane to lift a Boiler - correspondence had ensues with the Inspector of Factories as to fencing the cog wheels and the Committee instructed Mr Snape - it at all possible - to carry out the Inspectors recommendation.
[Accident Alfred Bassett] The Manager reported an accident to Alfred Bassett one of the Company's servants at Lodgemore Bridge which had been duly notified to the Insurance Company concerned.
[Gas House Bridge] The question of repairing the Gas House Bridge was considered and the short time since it was last redecked noted. The Committee agreed that it was necessary to proceed with the repair (only part of the cost of which falls on this Company - the remainder being borne by the Gas Company) and the opinion was expressed that good hard slow grown larch would probably last as long as the Oak last used & be far cheaper.
[Balance at Bank] The bank pass book shewed a credit balance of £369..16..5.
[Traffic] The Traffic from 1^st October last to March 17^th amounted to £540..0..0 which compared well with £506 from Oct 1^st 1911 to March 31^st 1912 though a larger period by a fortnight.
[Next Meeting] Ordered that the next Committee Meeting be held on April 23^rd 1913 @ 3.30 and the General Half Yearly Meeting on the same day at 4 o'clock pm,

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