Wed 23 Apr 1913
Mr Kenworthy of Sheepscombe paid 11s cost of repairs to Gas Works Bridge.
Fencing of cogwheels of Dudbridge crane in hand.
Accident to Alfred Bassett notified to Insurance Company. Bassett expected to return to work 24 April.
Redecking of Gas Works Bridge: Relative life and cost of oak, elm and larch considered. Oak with elm planking above selected.
Stroud Urban District Council to place proposed effluent drain across Company’s property at entrance to Dudbridge Wharf. Rent 2s 6d per annum.
Letter from Clerk to Severn Fishery Conservators asking permission for their water bailiff, Smallwood of Sharpness, to ride his bicycle along Company’s towpath and if Company would grant them a lease of fishing rights in canal. Fishing offered for £20 a year. If accepted Company would give water bailiff a pass to ride bicycle on Company’s property.
Mr Geo Foster Abell, manager of Lloyd’s Bank at Stroud, appointed Treasurer in place of Mr Dunsford, retired.
Traffic to end of financial year £84 16s, 1912 £57, 1911 £52, 1910 £60.
[April 1913] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 23^rd day of April 1913 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, A J Morton Ball, Edward P Little, F S Whittinghamd, Walter J Stanton, W H Marling.
The Clerk reported that:
[Gas House Bridge] 1 M^r Kenworthy of Shepscome had paid eleven shillings for the cost of repairs to the Gas Works Bridge.
[Crane at Dudbridge] 2 The fencing of the cog wheels of the Dudbridge Crane was in hand in accordance with the recommendation of the Government Inspector.
[Accident to A Bassett] 3 That an accident had happened to Alfred Bassett in the course of his employment by the Company which had been duly notified to the Insurance Company and that Bassett was inspected to return to his work on the day following viz April 24^th.
[Gas House Bridge re planking] The Committee discussed the question of the redecking of the Gas Works Bridge and the relative life and cost of Oak, Elm and Larch for the purpose and decided to use selected Oak with Elm planking above.
[Stroud UDC Effluent Drain] It was decided to permit the Stroud Urban District Council to place the proposed Effluent drain across the portion of the Company's property at the entrance to Dudbridge Wharf and charge a rent of 2/6 per annum in acknowledgement.
[Canal Fishery] A letter was read from the Clerk to the Severn Fishery Conservators asking (1) permission for their Water Bailiff Smallwood of Sharpness to ride his bicycle along the Company's towpath and (2) if the Company would grant them a lease of the fishing rights in the Canal.
It was decided to offer them the fishing for £20 a year and if they accepted the offer the Company would give the Water Bailiff the desired pass to ride the bicycle on the Company's property.
[Treasurer] On the proposition of the Chairman seconded by Mr E P Little:-
M^r Geo Foster Abell the present Manager of Lloyds Bank Ltd at Stroud was appointed Treasurer in place of Mr Dunsford who had retired.
[Traffic] The Traffic since the end of the financial year was shewn to amount to £84..16..0 against 57..0..0 for the same period last year and 52..0..0 in 1911 and 60..0..0 in 1910.
[Balance Sheet Div 20/- per share Carried on £216..11..5] The balance sheet was produced and compared with the figures of previous half Years. It was decided to recommend a Dividend of 20/- per share on May 1^st which would leave £216..11..5 to be carried forward.