Wed 23 Apr 1913
Fencing of cogwheel on Dudbridge crane fixed. Lock and chain to prevent unauthorised use.
Redecking of Gas Works Bridge to be completed next day.
Alfred Bassett’s claim for compensation paid for by Insurance Co. Doctor’s bill of £2 5s refused. Company not liable to refund this. Offer to Bassett to pay half amount, £1 2s 6d, as act of grace under special circumstances.
Stroud Urban District Council objected to paying annual rent for desired easement. Company willing to accept lump sum.
Clerk to ask Severn District Fishery Commissioners to lend Company copy of Provisional Order of 1911 on which they base their alleged rights over watershed of Severn.
Letter from Board of Trade. Provisional order granted to Stroud Electric Lighting Co. but Stroudwater Canal omitted from Third Schedule,
Application from five of employees of Navigation for increase of wages discussed. Wages of Jas White, W Bullock, A Bassett raised by 1s per week, J Clutterbuck, F White by 2s per week.
Tonnage 1 April – 20 May £160, 1912 £148, 1911 £136, 1910 £150, 1909 £128.
[1913 May] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^st day of May 1913 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, Edward P Little, F S Whittingham, F A Little, Jack Margetson, W^m Davies, J R Morton Ball, Walter J Stanton.
[Clerks Report] Mr Snape reported that:
1 The fencing of cogwheel on the Dudbridge Crane had been fixed satisfactorily and he had given instructions that a lock and chain be used to prevent unauthorised use of the same.
2 The redecking of the Gas Works Bridge would be completed on the next day.
3 The claim of Alfred Bassett for compensation had been paid by the Insurance C^o but the D^rs Bill £2..5..0 they had refused to entertain as this Company were not liable to refund this.
[Basett D^rs Bill C^o paid 22^s/6^d] The Committee after discussion decided to offer Bassett to pay half the amount viz £1..2..6 not as acknowledging any right on his part but as an Act of Grace under special circumstances.
[Stroud UDC re Sewer Pipe at Dudbridge] A letter from the Stroud Urban District Council was read in which objection was raised to paying an annual rent for the desired easement and Mr Snape was instructed to write a letter (which M^r Whittingham would dictate) expressing the willingness of this Company to accept a lump sum.
[Severn District Fishery] Further correspondence with the Severn District Fishery Commissioners was produced & discussed and the Clerk was instructed to ask them to lend this Company a copy of the ---alleged--- Provisional Order of 1911 on which they base their alleged rights over the whole watershed of the Severn.
[Board of Trade Stroud Electric Lighting] A letter from the Board of Trade had been received by Messrs Little & Whittingham stating that a provisional order had been granted to the Stroud Electric Lighting Coy but the Stroudwater Canal had been omitted from the 3^rd schedule to the order as granted.
[Memo application for an increase of wages] An application from five of the Employees of the Navigation for increase of wages was discussed and it was agreed to raise the wages of Jas White, W Bullock and A Bassett by one shilling per week and of J Clutterbuck and F White by 2/- per week.
[Tonnage Receipts] The Tonnage from April to 20^th May was £160 against £148 during the same period of last year, 136 in 1911, 150 in 1910 and 128 in 1909.
[Bank Balance] The Balance at Bank was £260..12..1 to credit.