Wed 17 Sep 1913
No Committee Meeting in August.
Vote of condolence to be sent to Miss Stanton on death of her father Mr Walter J Stanton, for many years member of Committee.
Letters to Severn Fishery Board NS Stroud Brewery Co.
Work at Saul required by Court of Sewers in hand.
Difficulty in navigating canal between Walk Bridge and Shallow Lock. Sharpness New Docks Co has done the necessary dredging.
Miss Ethel Heath and Mr Arthur Winterbotham applied for leave to take water from canal to gardens at Bridgend and near Bond’s Mill. Allowed for £2 2s each p.a. and costs £1 1s and stamp duty.
Claim by Severn Fishery Board to charge fees for Angling licences where already obtained from Stroudwater Navigation had Parliamentary rights, could not be controverted.
Mr Jack Margetson, Mr F A Little, Mr W Davies, Mr Jack Ball to inspect canal.
Mr Milnes, Stroud Urban District Council, called at Company office. 10s accepted as compensation for placing pipes under Company’s property at Dudbridge. Urban District Council to keep ground over it in repair continuously, not merely for 12 months.
Charge 1½d per ton for use of Wallbridge Wharf to haul across railway borne coal to Lodgemore Mills just.
Traffic 1913 1 April – 17 September £491, 1912 £478, 1911 £465.
Arthur William Stanton and Reverend Samuel Swire claimed share no.175, will of Reverend Arthur Henry Stanton.
[1913 Sept] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 17^th day of September 1913 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: F A Little, Edward P Little, F S Whittingham, Philip Jas Evans, W H Marling.
[Mr W J Stanton Vote of condolence] After the reading and confirmation of the minutes of the last Meeting Sir W H Marling Bart proposed and the Chairman seconded that a vote of condolence be sent to Miss Stanton on the death of her father M^r Walter J Stanton for many years a member of the Committee and a very regular attendant of its Meetings.
That this Committee records with deep regret the death of their senior and highly esteemed colleague, Walter J Stanton Esq.
[Severn Fishery Board] Mr Snape reported that he had written to the Severn Fishery Board as instructed at the last Committee but no reply had so far been received.
[Stroud Brewery C^o] Also to the Stroud Brewery C^o giving them the decision reached at the last Meeting of the Board with reference to their request re the use of a bridge over the Canal by their motor Dray.
[River Frome at Saul] It was stated that the work at Saul required by the Court of Sewers was in hand and would only take a few days to complete.
[Canal - Junction to Shallow Lock] Complaints having been made of difficulty navigation the Canal between the Walk Bridge and Shallow Lock it was stated that the Sharpness New Docks Company had done the necessary dredging.
[Water from Canal Miss Heath & M^r Winterbotham] Miss Ethel Heath and Mr Arthur Winterbotham having both applied for leave to take water from the Canal to gardens at Bridgend and near Bond's Mill respectively it was decided to allow their applications on their agreeing to pay £2..2..0 each per annum & the costs of the agreements (£1..1..1 and stamp duty).
[Severn Fishery Board] The subject of the claim by the Severn Fishery Board to charge fees for Angling Licences where such licences had already been obtained from the Stroudwater Navigation was considered and it was decided that the Fishery Board had Parliamentary rights which could not be controverted.
[Canal Inspection] The following members of Committee were selected to undertake the usual Inspection of the Canal at such times as might be convenient to them: M^r Jack Margetson, M^r F A Little, M^r W Davies, M^r Jack Ball.
[Stroud UDC re Pipe at Dudbridge] Mr Milnes had called at the Office of the Company to urge that 10^s/- was sufficient compensation for the placing of pipes under the Company's property at Dudbridge.
The Committee decided to accept this but considered that the Urban District Council should keep the ground over it in repair continuously & not merely for the 12 months they proposed.
[Messrs Strachan & C^o re hauling coal to Lodgemore Mills] Messrs Strachan & C^o had taken exception to a charge of 7½^d per tone for use of Wallbridge Wharf to haul across railway borne coal to their mills but the Committee decided that it was a just charge and could not be waived.
[Traffic] The traffic up to date was as follows: 1913 April 1^st to Sept 17^th £491 same period in 1912 £478 same period in 1911 £465.
[Share N^of 175] Ferdinand Samford Whittingham of Stroud in the County of Gloucester attended under a written authority from Arthur William Stanton of the Reform Club Pall Mall London Esquire and the Reverend Samuel Swire Vicar of S^t Thomas Huddersfield of the County of York being the Executors of the Will of the Reverend Arthur Henry Stanton of the Clergy House S^t Albans Brook Street Holborn in the County of Middlesex Clerk deceased who died on the 28^th day of March 1913 at Upfield Stroud in the County of Gloucester who at the time of his death held one share in the Company of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation N^o 175 now standing in the name of the said Reverend Arthur Henry Stanton aforesaid deceased in the Books of the said Company and made out their claim by producing *a _letter of indemnity_* [* Letter of indemnity cancelled the original Certificate having been received 17/2/14] from the said Executors for the loss of the ticket or title to the said one share and the Probate of the Will of the said Reverend Arthur Henry Stanton the said Will bearing date the 26^th day of January 1909 and proved by the said Executors in the Principal Registry of the Probate Division of the High Court of Justice on the 24^th day of April 1913 and the claim was admitted accordingly and a new ticket ordered to be made out.