Wed 19 Nov 1913
Draft lease of Fishing Rights to Severn Fishery Conservators. Alterations agreed, including permission for fishing on Sundays. Rights to Navigation to close and lock wharves as now.
Piling of canal bank at Saul near completion.
Stroud Urban District Council’s surveyor had not yet taken instructions of his committee re repair of pipe trench at Dudbridge.
Enquiry re charge for supply of water for Council’s boiler at the outfall works. £2 2s per annum for intake through a 2 inch pipe.
4 guineas to fund raised by Canal Association in support of Sharpness New Docks Co in litigation with City of Worcester re strength of bridges under present day heavy traffic.
Mr Snape obtained certificate of his share no. 199 from Lloyds Bank, Stroud. Guarantee with Guardian Insurance Co, sum of £200.
Notice by Stroud Urban District Council to connect Ship Inn, Wallbridge, with main drainage system. Storm water needed dealing with.
Leakage from canal into cellars from some houses at Ryeford belonging to Sir W H Marling repaired.
Traffic 1 October £162 14s 2d, 1912 £137, 1911 £126.
[1913 November] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 19^th day of November 1913 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, Edward P Little, A J Morton Ball, F S Whittingham, W^m Davies.
[Fishing] The Draft lease of Fishing rights to the Severn Fishery Conservators as modified by their Solicitor was put in and the alterations agreed to including one which gave permission for fishing on Sunday but reserved rights to the Navigation to close and lock their Wharves as now.
[Clerks report] The Clerk reported:-
1 The piling of the Canal Bank at Saul had taken longer than expected but was now near completion.
2 The Stroud Urban District Couuncil's Surveyor had not yet take the instructions of his Committee relating to the repair of pipe trench at Dudbridge and had enquired what the Canal C^o would charge the Council for a supply of water for the Councils Boiler at the Outfall Works. The Committee decided to charge £2..2..0 per annum for an intake through a 2" pipe..
[Miss Heath Agreement] The Agreement with Miss Heath of Bridgend Stonehouse for a supply of water to her gardens was sealed and the Chairman and Clerk duly attesting the same.
[Canal Assoc^t] It was agreed to subscribe four guineas to the Fund being raised by the Canal Association in support of the Sharpness New Docks C^o in their litigation with the County of Worcester relative to the strength of Bridges under present day heavy traffic conditions.
[Share N^o 199] Mr Snape reported that he had obtained the Certificated of his share N^0 199 form the Lloyds Bank, Stroud, which was deposited there in 1878 and he had arranged for a guarantee with the Guardian Assurance C^o Ltd, in the sum of £200, in place of the old agreement and deposit of share as directed at the last Committee and the policy was produced.
[Ship Inn Wallbridge Sanitary arrangements] Notice had been given by the Stroud Urban District Council to connect the Ship Inn Wallbridge with the main drainage system and Mr Snape was instructed to see the Surveyor on the subject and especially with reference to the storm water which needed dealing with in a more satisfactory manner than at present.
[Cottages at Ryeford] Complaint had been received of leakage form the Canal into the cellars of some houses at Ryeford belonging to Sir W H Marling Bart, and the leaks had been repaired.
[Traffic] The Traffic was shewn to have amounted to £162..14..2 since Oct 1^st of this year, comparing with £137..0..0 during the same period last year and £126..0..0 the year before.
[Bank] The Bank Credit balance stood at £350..19..1.