Wed 21 Jan 1914
Draft agreement with Postmaster General approved. Schedule of wayleaves agreed was produced and passed.
Estimate for proposed connection of Ship Inn with main drainage £14 from Mr Hopson accepted.
No opposition to Swindon Corporation Bill.
Tolls received re through traffic over Stroudwater Canal to and from T&S Canal for year ended 30 September 1913 ascertained in compliance with Section 43 of Thames & Severn Canal Trust Act 1895.
Work at Ryeford to be completed in three weeks.
Claim made by tenant of Sir W H Marling for 10s for damage alleged to have been caused by leakage of water from canal. Company’s entertainment of claim could set an unacceptable precedent.
Mr Snape would deal with the unsatisfactory state of surface of Newtown Wharf, Eastington.
Arthur William Stanton claimed share no.96, will and codicil of Walter John Stanton.
Traffic since 1 October 1913 £330, 1912 £350, 1911 £335.
[1914 Jany] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^st day of January 1914 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, Edward P Little, F S Whittingham, F A Little, Jack Margetson, A J Morton Ball, W^m Davies.
[Postmaster General Tel Wayleaves] The Draft Agreement with the Postmaster General was put in by Mr Whittingham which he had approved and the Schedule of wayleaves agreed on was produced and passed.
[Mr Hopson re Ship Inn Sanitary Arrangements] The Clerk reported that he had obtained an estimate for the proposed connection of the Ship Inn with the main Drainage viz £14..- from Mr Hopson and it was decided to accept his tender and proceed at once with the work.
[Swindon Corporation] The Swindon Corporation Bill was considered and the Committee decided not to approve it.
[Thames & Severn Canal] The Clerk produced a Statement of A/cs and Balance Sheet of the Thames and Severn Canal for the year ended 30^th September 1913. The amount of tolls received by this Company in respect of through traffic over the Stroudwater Canal to and from the Thames and Severn Canal for the year ended 30^th Sept 1913 will now be ascertained in compliance with Sec 43 of the Thames and Severn Canal Trust Act 1895.
[Canal Bank at Ryeford] The material for the work decided on at Ryeford was stated to be arranged for and it was expected that it would be completed in three weeks.
[Claim Sir W H Marling Bart] A letter was read from Sir W H Marling Bart as to a claim made by his tenant for damage to the extent of ten shillings alleged to have been caused by leakage of water from the Canal.
After discussion the Committee decided that it would create a precedent which might be most prejudicial to the Company if they entertained the Claim and the Clerk was instructed to write to Sir W H Marling Bart accordingly.
[Newtown Wharf] Mr Sinnott the County Surveyor had written calling attention to the unsatisfactory state of the surface of Newtown Wharf Eastington and Mr Snape stated that he proposed to deal with it.
[Claim Share N^o 96] Ferdinand Samford Whittingham of Stroud in the County of Gloucester Solicitor attended under a written authority from Arthur William Stanton of the Reform Club Pall Mall in the County of London Esquire Executor of the Will and Codicil of Walter John Stanton of Stratford Lodge Stroud in the County of Gloucester Esquire deceased who died on the 2^nd day of August 1913 at Stratford Lodge Stroud in the County of Gloucester who at the time of his death held one share in the Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation numbered 96 now standing in the name of the said Walter John Stanton aforesaid deceased in the Books of the said Company and made out his claim to the said one share by producing the ticket or title to the said one share and the Probate of the Will and Codicil of the said Walter John Stanton the Will bearing date the 26^th day of April 1898 and the said Codicil attached thereto bearing date the 20^th day of June 1911 and proved by the said Executor in the Principal Registry of the Probate Division of the High Court of Justice on the 18^th day of September 1913 and the claim was admitted accordingly and a new ticket or title ordered to be made out.
[Traffic] The traffic was stated to be £330..- for the period since October 1^st last, against for the same time in 1913 350^£ and for the same time in 1912 335.
[Bank Balance] The Balance at Credit in the Bank stood at £460 comparing with this time in 1913 £417.