Wed 18 Feb 1914
Memorandum. Three members of Committee present. No quorum.
Agreement with Postmaster General as to erection of wires, posts, stays, streets, cables in canal sealed.
Claim by Mr A G Alder of Ryeford for damages of 10s caused by leakage of water from canal.
Statement of through traffic year ended September 1913. £398 6s 11d for year, £375 18s 5d average of last three years, 1894 £449 4s 1d, decrease of £73 5s 8d. No payment due.
Stone for repair of Newtown Lock expected.
Letter from Mr J E Edwards, 127 Victoria Street, Bristol re Stroud Electric Lighting Order 1913. Application for wayleave to run mains from entrance of sewage works to road leading from bridge near Gas Works to Cainscross Road. Clerk to meet him.
Traffic 1 October 1913 to 17 February 1914 £396, 1912 to 1913 £413, 1911 to 1912 £437.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18^th day of February 1914 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: W H Marling, F S Whittingham, Edward P Little.
[Committee] Only three members of the Committee being present there was no quorum, but there being some matters requiring immediate attention, it was decided to proceed with them, subject to confirmation by the next Committee: viz;
[Telephone Way-leaves] 1 The Agreement with the Postmaster General as to the erection of wires, posts, stays, struts, cables in Canal re, having been passed by the Solicitors to the Company was ordered to be sealed, which was accordingly done.
[A G Alder of Ryeford] 2 The claim by Mr A G Alder of Ryeford, for damage to the extent of ten shillings alleged to have been caused by leakage of water from the Canal was postponed for the consideration of a full Committee.
[T&S Canal A/c] 3 The Clerk reported the result of the Statement he had been instructed to prepare in response to the requirement of the County Council (under Sec 34 of the Thames and Severn Canal Trust Act 1895) as to the through traffic for the year ended September 1913.
It appeared that £398..6..11 was the amount of such through traffic for the year and £375..18..5 the average of the three years last past.
The latter figure compered with the average of the three years ended Sept 1894 (£4449..4..1) showed a decrease of £73..5..8 and therefore no payment due under the Sec 46 Thames & Severn Canal Trust Act 1895.
4 An application from the County Council for £150 due under sec 41 of the Thames & Severn Canal Trust Act 1895 was submitted and approved and the Cheque was ordered to be drawn.
[Wharves] 5 The stone for the repair of the Newtown Wharf had not yet come to hand but was expected daily.
[Stroud Electric Lighting] 6 Mr J E Edwards of 127 Victoria S^t Bristol had written respecting the Stroud Electric Lighting Order 1913 stating that it was proposed to apply to the Board of Trade for a wayleave which will enable his Company to run their mains from the entrance to the Sewage Works to the road which lead from the Bridge near the Gas Works to the Cainscross Road. The Clerk was instructed to write to Mr Edward saying he would be pleased to meet him when next in this district with a view to arranging a route best suitable to both parties, and subject to an agreement to be approved by the Company at the cost of Mr Edwards Company.
Oct 1 1913 to Feby 17 1914 396^£
Oct 1 1912 to Feby 17 1913 413
Oct 1 1911 to Feby 17 1912 437
Credit Balance at Bank 453^£,,8^s,,10^d