Minutes Wed 15 Jul 1914

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Wed 15 Jul 1914


Loggerheads to bottom gates at Framilode fixed.
Correspondence with Excess Company re renewal of policy No.4788 (Workmen’s Compensation Insurance). Renewal of policy for three years at present rate.
Traffic 1 April to 14 July £286 11s 7d, 1913 £303 0s 7d, 1912 £314 4s 7d.

Verbatim text

[1914 July] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 15^th day of July 1914 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: F S Whittingham, F A Little, W H Marling, R J Caruthers-Little, S S Marling, W^m Davies, A J Morton Ball, Philip Jas Evans.
[Framilode Lock] Mr Snape reported that the Loggerheads to the bottom gates at Framilode had been fixed and other necessary repairs there and at Stonehouse carried out.
[Workmens Insurance] Correspondence with the Excess Company respecting the renewal of the Policy No 4788 (Workmen's Compensation Insurance) was put in and after discussion it was resolved to accept the proposal to renew the policy for three years at the present rate - premiums to be paid annually ad now.
[Traffic] The Traffic for period April 1^st to July 14 was stated to Amount to £286..11.7 as compared with 303..0..7 to same date in 1913 and 314..4..7 for 1912.
[Credit Balance] Credit Balance at Bank stood at £345..15..3 against 342..13..1 last July and 298..15..7 July 14 1912.
[Next Meeting] It was decided that the next Meeting of the Committee should be on Sept 16^th.

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