Minutes Wed 21 Oct 1914

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Wed 21 Oct 1914


Mr Knight Barnard had paid rent due.
Correspondence between Company’s solicitors and Mr J Herbert Edwards. 21 years lease at £5 per annum offered to Electric Lighting Co.
New heads fixed to top gates at Blunder Lock and Pike Lock. Serious leakage stopped at Newtown Lock.
Repairs to Westfield Lock, Bristol Road Bridge and Kings Bridge.
Retaining wall near Roving Bridge partly rebuilt.
Messrs Dickinson & Cox applied to underlet Wharf House and premises at Stonehouse to late manager Mr Penn. Granted.
Cheltenham Bill Posting Co repeated request for 75% reduction on rent till the “end of the war”. Rebate of one half 15 August – 5 December. Future payments to coincide with financial year of company.
Minutes continued on page 265.

Verbatim text

[1914 Oct] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^st day of October 1914 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, W^m Davies, Edward P Little, S S Marling, A J Morton Ball, W H Marling, F A Little.
[re Rents unpaid] Mr Snape reported that Mr Knight Barnard had paid the rent due from him.
[Stroud Electric Light] Correspondence between the Company's Solicitors and Mr J Herbert Edwards was read as also a letter from the Clerk of the Stroud Urban District Council on the question of the terms of the proposed agreement between the Stroudwater Navigation and the Electric Lighting Company and after discussion it was resolved to offer a 21 years lease at £5 p.a.
[Various repairs to Lock Gates, etc] Mr Snape reported that new Heads had been fixed to the Top Gates at Blunder Lock and Pike Lock and a serious leakage stopped at New Town Lock. Repairs to Westfield Lock and Bristol Road Bridge and Kings Bridge had been carried out and retaining wall near Roving Bridge partly rebuilt.
[Stonehouse Wharf house] Messrs Dickinson & Cox had applied for permission to underlet the Wharf house & premises as Stonehouse to their late manager M^r Penn which it was decided to grant.
[Cheltenham Billposting C^o] A further letter had been received from the Cheltenham Bill Posting C^o repeating the request that the rent should be reduced by 75% till the "end of the war" but the Committee decided to maintain the proposal made in the letter of the 10^th September sent to the Billposting C^o to allow a rebate of one half from Aug 15 to Dec 25^th.
It was considered desirable that the yearly rental in future should coinside with the financial year of the Company.
To page 265


Minute continued on page 265

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