Wed 17 Mar 1915
Mr Snape unable to be present through indisposition.
Son of Mr Bush met Mr Percy Snape at Eastington.
Messrs Smith & Son liable to pay compensation to Navigation for loss of license(sic).
Judgement in House of Lords on case of successful appeal by Sharpness New Docks Co against decision of Court of Appeal re repair of bridges in Worcestershire considered. Covered case of bridges on Stroudwater Navigation.
Dock house at Eastington let to Mr Arthur Alexander Banks at £12 p.a. from 25 March.
Traffic from 1 October £457 6s 4d, 1914 £511 2s 5d, 1913 £533 17s 11d.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 17^th day of March 1915 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, Edward P Little, F A Little, F S Whittingham.
Mr Snape was unfortunately unable to be present through indisposition.
It was reported that a son of M^r Bush met M^r Percy Snape by appointment at Eastington when it was pointed out what was necessary to be done to the trees.
Mr Whittingham reported what had taken place at the adjourned Brewster Session at Stroud which he had attended on behalf of the Navigation. It appeared that Messrs Smith & Son Ltd had rendered themselves liable to pay compensation to the Navigation for the loss of the License and it was left to the Chairman and Mr Whittingham to deal with the matter.
The Judgement of the House of Lords in the case of the successful Appeal by the Sharpness New Docks C^o against the decision of the Court of Appeal in the matter of the repair of Bridges in Worcestershire was considered and Mr Whittingham pointed out that it would certainly cover the case of the Bridges on the Stroudwater Navigation.
The Dock house at Eastington had been let to Mr Arthur Alexander Banks at £12..- per annum as from March 25 and the Agreement prepared by M^r Whittingham was read & sealed.
The traffic to date from Oct 1^st was 457..6..4 as compared with 511..2..5 for the same period in 1914 and 533..17..11 in 1912/13.
Credit balance in Bank stood at 366..5..2 as against 378..7..8 in 1914 and 434..13..0 in 1913 at the same date.
It was ordered that the next Committee Meeting be held on April 21^st @ 3.30pm and the General Half Yearly Meeting on the same day at 4 o'clock pm.