Minutes Wed 11 Aug 1915

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Wed 11 Aug 1915


Mr Percy Snape to be Clerk in place of late Mr W J Snape. 6 months trial. Salary £3 10s per week. Use of canal house free of rent and rates, help of a clerk accepted. Committee’s deep regret at loss of Mr Wm Jas Snape. 43 years as Clerk and Surveyor.
Wharf House at Dudbridge let to Mr Perks. Yearly tenancy £17 10s p.a.
Letter from Mr Ernest Armitage. Mr A S Winterbotham agreed to terms of proposed exchange of land at Stonehouse.
Mr Whittingham to write to Mr de Lisle Bush re cutting of dangerous trees.
Mr V Lawson attended on behalf of Mr J Herbert Edwards, Stroud Electric Supply Ltd. Allowed to carry wires over canal at Dudbridge at sufficient height. £3 3s p.a. 3 months notice.
Application from John White, lock keeper at Eastington for week advance on wages agreed.
Albert Bassett, wharfinger at Wallbridge applied for time off between 5.30 and locking up time, and half day on Saturdays. Allowed without injury to interest of canal or traders.
Tonnage 1 April to 10 August £318 5s 9d, 1914 £329 4s 6d, 1913 £391 3s 5d.

Verbatim text

[1915 August] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 11^th day of August 1915 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, A J Morton Ball, F A Little, S S Marling, F S Whittingham, Edward P Little, W H Marling.
Before proceeding to the business of the meeting the Committee discussed the appointment of a Clerk and Manager in the place of the late M^r W J Snape and it was decided on the proposition of the Chairman seconded by Mr E P Little that the position be offered to Mr Percy Snape for a six months trial as from the 6^th August on a salary of £3..10..0 per week (to be adjusted with the Thames & Severn Canal Committee of the County Council as to the proportion of this amount to be paid by each navigation) and Mr Snape to have the use of the Canal House free of Rent and Rates and the help of a Clerk to enable him to give the necessary personal attention to the working of the Canals.
Mr Snape accepted the appointment and expressed his gratitude to the Committee and his determination to further the interest of the Navigation to the best of his ability.
The minutes of the last Meeting were then read and confirmed.
The Chairman referred to the death of M^r W J Snape after many years of good work for the Navigation and proposed that the following resolution which was cordially assented to viz: This Committee wished to place on record the deep regret at the loss of M^r W^m J^as Snape who had faithfully served the Company for 43 years as Clerk and Surveyor and to express its sincere sympathy with his family in their bereavement.
Mr Whittingham reported that he had with the concurrence of the Chairman let the Wharf House at Dudbridge to M^r Perks on a yearly tenancy agreement - which he produced - at a rent of £17..0..0 per annum.
It was ordered that the seal of the Company be affixed to the agreement which was accordingly done and attested by the Chairman and the Clerk.
The Chairman read a letter from M^r Ernest Armitage in which it was stated that M^r A S Winterbotham agreed to the terms of the proposed Exchange of land at Stonehouse and had instructed his Solicitors to deal with it.
Correspondence with Mr de Lisle Bush on the subject of the cutting of dangerous trees at Eastington was put in and M^r Whittingham was requested to write to M^r Bush on the matter.
Mr B Lawson attended on behalf of M^r J Herbert Edwards of the Stroud Electric Supply Company Ltd and explained what was desired. After discussion the Committee offered to allow the Electric Company to carry their wires over the Canal at Dudbridge at a sufficient height at a charge of £3..3..0 a year subject to three months notice to remove the same from either party.
Applications had been received (1) from John White, Lock-keeper at Eastington, for a 1/- a week advance in his wages which the Committee agreed to give and (2) Albert Bassett Wharfinger at Wallbridge for having time off between 5.30 and locking up time and the half-day on Saturdays. It was resolved to allow this if or when it could be done without injury to the interest of the Canal or the Traders.
The Tonnage was stated to have been 318..5..9 Ap 1 to Aug 10 in this year as compared with 329..4..6 last year and 391..3..8 in 1913.

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