Minutes Wed 20 Oct 1915

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Wed 20 Oct 1915


Albert Bassett had not vacated house on wharf taken by Mr Lee. Chairman to see him.
Interview between Mr Herbert Edwards, Mr Edward Little and Chairman re taking electric wires over bridge at Dudbridge. Two years tenancy, six months’ notice. Wires to pass outside walls, not over crown of arch of bridge. Rent £1 1s p.a. Mr Edwards’ request to allow wires to cross arch refused.
Bridge notices cast. To be affixed to Walk Swing Bridge at Whitminster at both ends.
Dividend to be reduced because £150 due to Thames & Severn Canal, payable next February. Also necessary to purchase of timber for new bridge at Lodgemore, and need to allow £30 for timber for middle gates at Ryeford.
To invest £100 in 4½% War Stock.

Verbatim text

[1915 October] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 20^th day of October 1915 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, S S Marling, W H Marling Edward P Little, F S Whittingham, F A Little, W^m Davies.
It was stated that Albert Bassett had not yet vacated the house on the Wharf which M^r Lee had taken and of which he required possession and the Chairman undertook to see Bassett and make it quite clear that he must turn out.
The Chairman reported that an interview had taken place between Mr Herbert Edwards and Mr Edward Little and himself with reference to the desired taking of Electric Wires over the Bridge at Dudbridge at which it had been agreed to grant a two years tenancy with six months notice at the end of the same, on condition that the wires should pass outside the walls and not over the Crown of the Arch of the Bridge. The rent to be £1..1..0 per annum.
The Chairman read a letter since received from Mr Edwards asking that the wires might be allowed to cross the Arch to which a reply had been sent that the Chairman could not recommend the Committee to accede to this. It was decided to confirm the terms agreed upon at the interview and the Chairman undertook to inform Mr Edwards accordingly.
No arrangement had been come to with Mr Lee as to renting the stable at Wallbridge.
Bridge Notices had been cast and would be affixed to the Walk Swing Bridge at Whitminster at both ends.
The accounts for the Half Year ending 30^th September were considered and it was resolved to recommend a Dividend of 15^s/- per Share free of Income Tax and payable on the 1^st day of November next.
It would be necessary to provide for £150..- payable in February to the Thames and Severn Canal, also for the purchase of timber for a new Bridge at Lodgemore, and £30..- of the payment of timber for the Middle Gates at Ryeford.
It was decided to invest £100..- in the new 4½% War Stock.
Mr Armitage had been telephoned to as to the completion of plans re exchange of land at Stonehouse, it seemed he had thought the matter was not urgent, but it would now be proceeded with.

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