Minutes Wed 15 Dec 1915

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Wed 15 Dec 1915


Albert Bassett vacated Wharf House at Wallbridge. Mr Lee entered on tenancy from 25 November.
Electric Supply Co paid rent of £1 1s for wayleave for one year in advance.
Messrs Cadbury Bros of Bournville erecting works at Frampton-on-Severn. Asking for rates of carriage of milk churns from Stonehouse to Junction with Berkeley Canal.
Mr Whiting, tenant at Eastington Wharf, claimed right of lopping withies there. Cut by Company three years ago.
Agreements with Mr Lee for tenancy of loft and stable at Wallbridge, and Mr Arthur S Winterbotham re exchange of land at Stonehouse and taking of water from canal there.
Mr H J H King of Newmarket inspected Lodgemore Bridge. Advised use of steel girders in place of pitch pine timber. Extreme prices owing to war.
Deficient sanitary provisions at Canal House.
Tonnage only £170 1s 5d against 1914 £205 15s 5d.

Verbatim text

[1915 Dec] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 15^th day of December 1915 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, W^m Davies, Jack Margetson, Edward P Little, F S Whittingham, S S Marling, F A Little.
The Manager reported (1) that Albert Bassett had vacated Wharf House at Wallbridge and that Mr Lee had entered upon his tenancy of the sam as from 25^th November.
(20 that the Electric Supply Co had paid their rent of £1..1..0 for wayleave for one year in advance from October 28^th last.
(3) that he had heard from Messrs Cadbury Bros of Bournville who are erecting Works at Frampton-on-Severn asking for rates of carriage of Milk churns from Stonehouse to the Junction with the Berkeley Canal and he had been over to see them as to the probable amount of the traffic. He was instructed to write them with full particulars required.
Letters had been received from Z Whiting the tenant at Eastington Wharf claiming the right of lopping the witheys there, but Mr Snape was instructed to write him that the witheys had been cut by the Company only 3 years ago and he must not lop them without permission.
Mr Whittingham produced Agreements -
(1) With Mr Lee for tenancy of the Loft and Stable at Wallbridge.
(2) With Mr Arthur S Winterbotham as to exchange of land at Stonehouse and (3) respecting the taking of water from Canal there. The Chairman was desired to attest the Sealing of same,
The question of repairing Lodgemore Bridge was discussed. Mr H J H King of Newmarket had inspected the Bridge by request and advised the use of steel girders in place of pitch pine timber which are at extreme prices now owing to the War. The matter was postponed till the January meeting in order to obtain more information as to the cost, etc, in the interval.
The Chairman brought up the subject of the deficient Sanitary provisions at the Canal House and undertook to go into the question before the next Committee - then report.
The Tonnage to date was only £170..1..5 against £207..15..5 same period last year.
The Cr Balance at Bank stood at £288..14..1 as compared with £265..12..0 same date in 1914.

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