Wed 19 Apr 1916
Agreement with W G Bullock re cottage at Double Locks.
Messrs Cadbury did not wish to proceed further with matter.
Application for increase of wages received from John White, lock keeper at Eastington. 1s increase to 19s a week to help other canal men when required.
[1916 April] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 10^th day of April 1916 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Philip Jas Evans, S S Marling, W^m Davies, Edward P Little, F S Whittingham, F A Little.
The Agreement with W G Bullock re Cottage at Double Locks prepared by Mr Whittingham agreed to by Bullock was produced and approved and the Chairman and Secretary were authorised to execute the same - some little would need to be outlaid in necessary repairs -.
A further letter from Messrs Cadbury Bros Ltd had been received in which they stated they did not wish to proceed further in the matter at the present time.
The Balance Sheet was fully discussed and compared withthe A/cs as prepared by Mr Dudbridge which shewed an available balance of £163..- and it was resolved to recommend a Dividend of 15^s/- pre share free of Income Tax for the half-year ended 31^st March payable on May 1^st.
Application for increase of wages had been received from John White Lock-keeper at Eastington and it was agreed to give him another shilling per week making 19/- on condition he was willing to held the other Canal men when required.