Minutes Wed 19 Jul 1916

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Wed 19 Jul 1916


Bad leak in offside wall of top lock at Dudbridge found and repaired.
Mr Humphries had resumed his duties at the Office.
Mr Skipworth Gibbons, Chairman of Thames & Severn Canal Committee of Gloucestershire County Council, enquired into joint working of office.
Mr Whittingham attended Military Tribunal at Stroud. Conditional exemption without temporal limitation granted to Mr Snape so long as he remained in his present occupation.
Reports of Annual Inspection of Canal read and discussed.
Traffic £208 14s 1d, 1915 £287 0s 7d.

Verbatim text

[1916 July] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 19^th day of July 1916 @ 3.30 o'clock pm
Present: Edward P Little, W^m Davies, F A Little, F S Whittingham, Jack Margetson, S S Marling, Philip Jas Evans.
The Clerk reported that:
1 A bad leak in the offside wall of the tope lock at Dudbridge had been found and was now being repaired.
2 M^r Humphries had resumed his duties at the Office.
3 Mr Skipworth Gibbons the Chairman of the Thames & Severn Canal Committee of the Gloucestershire County Council had called to enquire into the joint working of the Office.
Mr Whittingham reported that he had attended the Military Tribunal at Stroud and that Conditional Exemption without temporal limitation had been granted to Mr Snape so long as re remained in his present position.
The Annual Inspection had taken place Mr Margetson and Mr Whittingham having take the lower section from Framilode to Eastington & Mr F A Little & Mr Stanley Marling the upper part. The Reports made by these Gentlemen were read and discussed and the thanks of the Committee tendered to them for their services.
The traffic up to date was given as £208..14..1 compared with 287^£..0^s..7^d to the same date last year.
Balance at Bank was £264..15..5 against £308..7..0 a year ago.

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